Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

King of Narnia said:
(Adam jumps in front of Jill, blocking her from Jacob)
"Leave Jill alone."
*Jacob hits Adam with a club on the side of the head, & Adam falls over*
"This is between me, and my sister. If you want to live, stay out of this!"

*Jacob cuts Jill across the face. But then, Jill grabs her sword & pierces him in the arm.*
"Jacob, Stop! Go back to your camp. I don't think any of the Rangers want to kill anyone today, and I really, don't want to kill you"

"You see Jill, You're weak, you've always been weak."

*Jill leaps at Jacob & pierces him in the other arm*

*Jacob laughs* "You think that would hurt me?"
*Jacob picks Jill up by the throat & throws her at a stone wall.*
"I lost my real arm almost four weeks ago during a battle, and got it replaced with a robotic one."
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
"Jacob, Stop! Go back to your camp. I don't think any of the Rangers want to kill anyone today, and I really, don't want to kill you"

"You see Jill, You're weak, you've always been weak."

*Jill leaps at Jacob & pierces him in the other arm*

*Jacob laughs* "You think that would hurt me?"
*Jacob picks Jill up by the throat & throws her at a stone wall.*
"I lost my real arm almost four weeks ago during a battle, and got it replaced with a robotic one."
Anna yells at Jacob from the corner she's in,
"Your turning more into Mandalore everyday!"
Polly Plummer 94 said:
Anna yells at Jacob from the corner she's in,
"Your turning more into Mandalore everyday!"
IC= "ANNA! Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear your voice again! You betrayed the Loners, the people who took you in when you were all alone, and you joined the Rangers!"

*Jacob stops to think for a moment, then remebers something. Mandalore and the Mandalorians took him in when he was all alone, and Jacob betrayed them to be with the Pirates. Jacob realizes that Anna is doing the same thing that he did.*
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
IC= "ANNA! Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear your voice again! You betrayed the Loners, the people who took you in when you were all alone, and you joined the Rangers!"
IC= "JACOB POLE!!" Anna stands up & looks frieghtening.

Everyone stops fighting, and is quiet. :D
*Jill grabs her side in pain. She rolls over to see her brother, laying on the ground a short distance away.*

"Oh Aslan, please let him be okay."
*Jill crawls over to Jacob & he has a huge wound in his chest. Tears start to fill Jill's eyes*
Anna gets on her knees next to Jacob

"Jacob, please wake up. I'm sorry I screamed at you, and quit the Loners. Please don't die. :( We all care about you, well, most of us do,
(Anna gives Adam an evil glare) Even Jill cares about you, even though you've tried to kill her about a hundred time."