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LOL,its Davy from an episode when they're on a pirate ship..the best part is its the only time in the whole show that they make a joke out of Davy's name "Davy Jones's Locker".;)

Sometimes,he does this funny thing with his hands (like making a heart) and it always makes me laugh.:p

8, it's kind of cute

That sounds like an amazing episode Audrey :D

What's your opinion on my new one?
10 it gets better every time I look at it :D

Yes it's the 8th Doctor. He had to forage through costumes some people had for a costume party to get his outfit (long story :D) and he apparently didn't get any shoes so Grace gave him some. He was trying to remember who he was and suddenly he goes "Yes yes yes!" and she asks "What?" and he says "These shoes! They fit perfectly!" :D
10 he kind of does. Also when he has his wig off he looks kind of like the ninth doctor Christopher Eccelson, (I can never spell his name...:rolleyes:)
10, yes he does, that might be the reason I am developing a crush on him for apparently no reason ;)
LOL,but he is cute..what is the actor's name..I'd like to try an episode with him.:D
10, his name is Paul McGann and I would too, but sadly the only thing the 8th Doctor was in was a movie and it hasn't been put out on DVD in the correct region, the only way we watched it was that my sister bought it offline and we watched it on her computer
10 I'm pretty sure what happened is that not many people liked the sixth Doctor and then the seventh doctor was very subdued so he didn't help that much (neither of them are really bad but they were following the fourth doctor, the most popular, and the fifth doctor, the best of the old ones ;)) and then there was a long time between #7 and number 8 where nothing happened with Doctor Who. Number 8 was actually made in America I think and was an attempt to make Doctor Who more popular that didn't work that well.
Oh,okay..interesting..Yeah I can understand that..it took me a while to get used to any other doctor after seing #5 since I like him so much.:D
10 it seems to be an instance of us fans killing our show because we're too picky. I'm avoiding that and giving number 11 a fair chance :D
Yeah,for some reason the first actor I see playing a role is usually who I love most..and the others take me ages to get used to.:p
10, yes #10 is still my favorite for that reason ;)

I changed mine. It's still the 8th Doctor though