Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10 I actually kind of have worked out that if you color the background of a picture black or white you can then stick it in another picture easier by using the texture effects, it's just kind of transparent. That's how I made my banner for the Christian contest
10 I've been having a lot of fun with that effect lately, it takes away so much time erasing!
10 I rarely use erasing with textures, what's the use of the texture if you have to erase it? ;)
Well I use like 15 textures a banner so I have to erase them off people's faces or they'd disappear.:p
10 I bet, but I'm horrible at finding stuff like that for myself

(I'm off to change my profile pic to the last in this series :D)
Gimp comes with a ton,and I just use those.:D Ya know,you can use most anything as a texture.I found that out..You can set sunsets to Overlay,or any picture like that,and it makes it look neat.:)

10,oh thats cool looking.:D
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