Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

Shaun Cassidy was such a cute kid too.:D It took me a while to find that picture..It's in my LP of his but I can't scan.:rolleyes:
10 yes he is ;)

I love being able to scan pictures but I don't actually do it that often, they don't always look that great
I used to untill my old computer broke..I haven't figures out yet whether there a way to hook up a scanner to a laptop.
9 :D
10, I would think there would be, if you can attach a printer to a laptop I don't see why you can't attach a scanner ;) Two of our computers have printers with scanners but I'm not sure if the one on this computer works
10, I have people in my family who understand computers more than me so I can ask them when I get stuck ;)
10 my mom's becoming more technologically advanced but the computer still annoys her when it's slow ;)