Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

9,haha,yeah.:p It took me a while to get the rose's color to match the one in my banner.:rolleyes:
10, oh I bet, I've worked with trying to do stuff like that ;)

I'm getting offline now I think, the computer's being slow :rolleyes: ;)
9,bye GG.:D I'm getting off too,now that I've finally finishing answering all my email.:p
9,only 4 people write to me,but I get loads of spam to weed through.:rolleyes: Theres supposed to be a filter but it keeps switching off so I end up with junk all the time.:rolleyes:
10 I've only ever got a few spam emails but I haven't really had my email address for that long ;)

I also get emails and coupons from the Blizzard (Dairy Queen) Fan Club :D
I've got a free yahoo one,since we don't have web access (I actually hop on somebody else's wireless to get online at all),so theres tons of junk.:rolleyes: 9
9,thanks..I wanted ti to be my avatar,but when I re-sized it to 80x80 it turned out too small to make out.:rolleyes:

*groans* Oh,on...don't sing that,please..I get it stuck in my head and I'm trying to forget it because..well,ya know...:eek:
10, I've had that experience before :rolleyes:

I haven't listened to that one in forever, it's a random song ;)

*sings Red Rubber Ball instead* ;)
9,it wouldn't bug me so much if it wasn't for her voice and the inuendo.:rolleyes:

*sings along with GG*:p