Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10,I love it too.:D And its from one of my favorite episodes ever "I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away".:D

One True Couple.In other words,its a romantic pairing that you "ship" or "support/love".:D
10,I love it too.:D And its from one of my favorite episodes ever "I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away".:D

One True Couple.In other words,its a romantic pairing that you "ship" or "support/love".

10, I really need to watch some of Little House on the Prairie some time... ;)

Ohhh, I like that better than ship ;)
10,haha,yes you should.*wink*

Yeha,me too..although it took me forever to learn what OTP stood for.:rolleyes:
10 (that really is a cute picture... :D)

It's taken me a while to figure out a lot of stuff like that, I'm still not sure on some of it ;)
10 the problem with making these graphics was that I wasn't entirely sure that all the pictures I had were actually them so I only used the ones I was sure about ;) :p