Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

7,lol .It also doesn't help matters that I've been watchign a lot of romance movies lately.:p :p
7,those are always fun.:D I just started listening to Bread lately..they've got a lot of those wonderfully sappy ones.:p And David Gates had a dreamy voice.:D
10 ha ha, never heard of them. But I have some of these mix CDs on Twilight's computer that my older brother made, being in love he has a lot of sappy songs on there ;)
7,yeah supposidly they couldn't decide a name for ages,even recorded a whole album without having a group name.:p But one day the guitarist was driving down the road behind a bread truck and decided to call them Bread.:p
10 ha ha! That's amazing, that's what I would do for a band name as well. (actually we nearly did, we were jokingly trying to think up a name for our praise team after we played on our float on the fourth of July, we came up with some great ones :D)
10 they've got to be kind of fun to make, at least they would be good practice for fitting text onto a small icon ;)
7,they're really hard to make though...I made a couple not too long ago,andnow I'm envious of good ones I find.:p
10 I'm also jealous whenever I find a great picture from old Doctor Who that's actually in color and I can't find it anywhere else... :D