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10 yup, any director who thinks killing a character in a movie who doesn't die in the books is a good idea needs serious help ;)
It's sort of like Little House On the Prairie...it's a couple and their children out west.
Willie,my favorite character is who married the eldest daughter.In the books they move west and have two kids and it ends happily.
In the movie they had a drunken cowboy shoot him to death.:(:(
I hate the movie.:p
10 I get the feeling quite often, practically once every time I see a movie after I've read the book ;)
The only movie I don't mind a character death in is "Raintree County".I cry at the end every time but I sort of expected it.:(
Otherwise I hate deaths of characters unless they're bad.:p
10 of course! Who wants a good character to die?

of course there are times I think authors went insane as well *cough*JK Rowling*cough* :rolleyes:
^Oh yeah I've read books that do that.:p My mom always comes in and sees me kicking it across the floor.:p