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9, this magazine seemed to list the fewest amount of people needed to do a play so that pretty much any of them seemed doable, if you trim it down you don't actually need that many people for Anne of Green Gables, it would just be hard to find the people you need considering how much memorizing it would require (even compared to the plays we usually do)
10 yes it would be :D

We generally do a large Christmas play and a slightly smaller Easter play and then random other small plays and skits. this year we also did the dinner theater with the Ugly Duckling to raise money for It's a Wonderful Life. The general guideline is that it must be appropriate for church (obviously) and it must have some sort of point ;)
10 it's always fun and it's a great way to get to know people in our church but it's always hard finding new people to be in it, especially guys :rolleyes:
You could always do the reverse of the early Greeks and have the girls play some guy parts.:p ;)
10 we've considered it ;) we have at least changed some parts to girls that weren't girls before.

mine changed and it might change again whenever I find a suitable texture ;)
9, nice

I've discussed that with LbT, I think I decided 10 is the cutest but Dear 5 is second or third
10 yes, I admit that might have something to do with why I started watching ;)

I think my list was

11 :)p)
8 and 9
(these few in a grandfather kind of cute way... :D)
then there's poor 6.... ;)
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LOL,poor 6 didn't really have much in the way of looks,did he?:p
Looks wise,I like Five and Nine (thats the reddish haired one,right?) best.:D
10 no he didn't ;)

I forgot 9! 9 is the one with short hair and amazing blue eyes, I'll add him to my list, 8 is the one with the curly reddish hair :D