Read the Story of the Thousand of years that wasn't told...

Mr. Tumnus was following King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund and Queen Lucy…
“Then in the name of Aslan,” said Queen Susan, “if ye will have it so, let us go and take the adventure that lies before us.”
The four kings and queens were gathered around the Lamp post.
“Spare Oom!” exclaimed Lucy.
What the faun saw was so wonderful it cannot even be described with words. Then all them disappeared in the trees. After waiting a long time, the faun didn’t see anything—only the kings’ and queens’ horses.
“Are they lost?” he thought, “I shall go and see.”
Then he crept up to the Lamp post in search of his Kings’ and Queens’ gorgeous faces.
“Daughters of Eve?” he said, “Sons of Adam? Are you there, Your Majesties? Are you…?”
“I don’t think they are here anymore,” said a voice behind him. When Tumnus turned around, he saw a golden Lion, with the deepest eyes he had ever seen.
“Your Highness! Where are the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Eve, my lord?”
“They just left this place, my son.” Said the Lion.
“What do you mean, sir?” asked the faun.
”They are not in Narnia any more. They have retuned to their home, to their own world.”
“They…they have? How could this be possible? Such terrible disgrace shall fall over me now!” said Tumnus.
“Why do you say that, my son?” asked the Lion, laughing strongly.
“Because I told them to hunt for the White Stag! If I hadn’t, they might still be here.”
“It wasn’t your fault, dear faun, it was My Father’s will.” Said Aslan.
“What are we going to do without a ruler?” asked Tumnus.
“You will not be alone in this.” said Aslan.
“Sir…you mean…?” great hope rose in Tumnus’ heart, “Shall You be our king now? Shall wonderful things happen again?”
“No dear. Things will be harder than they were before for a long time.” Answered Aslan.
“Sir, what do you mean?” said Tumnus.
“Things can’t be the same way twice, my friend. You shall have kings, but not like King Peter. They will be evil and selfish. This will be one of the worst times in the land.”
“Why Sir? Shall this world be destroyed forever, my lord?” asked Tumnus.
“No, it will not be destroyed. But evil times shall come to this land.”
“Is there no hope for us?”
“No!” He growled, “No, don’t loose hope. There shall be a savior, a true king, young and humble as King Peter was. A Son of Adam who is worthy of Peter’s throne. But I’m afraid it will take a long time before this king can be born. Meanwhile, we must return to the Kingdom to tell the others about the Kings and Queens.”
“But who will be in charge of the Kingdom, Sir?”
“Until it happens, I can tell you nothing. People of another world shall come here to take Narnia.”
“Mylord, why is this going to happen?”
“I cannot reveal the mystery of my Father to you, my friend.” Said Aslan.
“All right, Sir. I know you can’t, I’m sorry.” Answered the faun.
“Go now, faun, to your Kingdom. Do not tell the people about these things, which I’ve told you. They would not understand.” Said Aslan.
“I shall do as you tell me, Sir.” Said the obedient Tumnus.
“Thank you, my friend.” And He disappeared. As soon as he had gone, Mr. Tumnus started to leave, but he felt something under his foot. It was a white horn…Queen Susan’s Magic Horn…
The faun returned to Cair Paravel very sad. Mr. Yumnus, his cousin, and captain of the Guard, asked him what was happening. Then, Tumnus spoke to every creature in the kingdom about the disappearance of the kings and queens.
Everyone began to cry. They felt lost without the magnificence of their High King, the Gentleness of their Queen, the justice of King Edmund, and the valiance of Queen Lucy. Everyone wept.
Prince Corin Thunder-fist went there and protected the Kingdom of Narnia with his life for over ten years. But he had too much business in Archenland, and could not stay there longer.
The land was without a king. The people asked Aslan for a king, but there was no answer.
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Too manny pirates were in the sea, almost around a few months that the Pevensies had left Narnia. And everyone wanted to find new lands, everyone wanted that. It was around the time that Red Beard was still in his untireable search of conquering New Lands. And there was some pirate, the most important of all of them, who was called “Velkan, the bloody”. He was so selfish and evil, he liked to kill people. He was cruel and he was always thinking about himself. He had three sheeps under his charge, 3 hundred men... He had a son, a teenager... his name was Edward. Such a queer name for a pirate, of course, but it was because of his mother, a gentle lady, who Velkan had kidnapped, that he had that name. This kid was terribly shybut good looking and he didn’t like his own father. His father was the worse person you could ever meet, though his servants were quite loyal to him. But Edward didn’t like him as much. Of course, he had a little love about him but he didn’t like the things that his father used to do to people.
But there was one day, they were in the ship, that Velkan and his wife (Edward’s mother) had a discusion, a true fight. Edward was worry because his father once hurted his mother’s face with a knife. She had a skar and it had been because she wanted her son to be called Edward and Velkan wanted him to be called with another name.
But this had been a true fight (Compared to all those quarrells they used to have) and Edward was near of their room, waiting, very scared, trying to know if his father was being horrid with Mother or doing terrible things to her. But, thanks Goodness, he came out of the room and Mother was well. She smiled at him but Edward knew she wasn’t happy at all. Velkan talked with his men, pirates, for a while and all of them smiled with the same smile: An Evil One.
His mother took him to his bedroom and put both of her hands on his shoulders.
“Edward” she said smiling. But that smile turned into a huge cry. The tears ran around her face. Edward tried to guess what was happening and he could’t help bursting into tears too.
“Mother?” He said “What’s happening? Did father say something wrong?”
“Oh... no, dear. He... we fought. I’m sorry... I... wish I had been a better mother.” She began to cry again.
“No, Mother!” said Edward smiling sadly “Mother, you are the best of the mothers! Of the entire world! You... are. And you will always be!”
“Thanks, dear.” Said his mother “I came here to prepare you. If there’s one reason to be in this life and inside of this ship, it’s because of you. I... I tried to be the best mother.”
“Mother, you’re not saying goodbye by any… any chance, are you?” Said Edward.
“I’m sorry, Ed.” She said “But your father is going to do something horrid with me. And neither of us can help it.”
Edward??: eragonbig_421.jpg
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Someone knocked the door and the Velkan’s voice was heard.
“We arrived, Doggie! Come, it’s time!” And there was cruelness in his voice.
Edward stood a long time holding his mother until she left the room. He was afraid. He thought Velkan would kill her... but Velkan did something worse: He left her alone, in a desert island with a rifle. If she wanted to kill herself, she would.
Edward only saw from inside of his room the shape of his mother standing up in the island and looking strightly at the ship. Then, Edward saw she took the rifle...
But, as if it was in consecuence (And I’m sure Edward thought it was and if he had known Aslan, he would know that Aslan Himself was doing it) a terrible storm came over them. Over the ship. Most of them and Edward kept alive. They arrived in an Island. A horrid one, for Edward, but for Velkan it was such a paradise.
They found soon there were people leaving that place but Edward couldn’t go anywhere, he couldn’t go out to any part of the island, he was always attending the Velkan’s orders.
Soon, Velkan had a wife called Marisse. She wasn’t bad. She liked Edward but she tried to show Velkan some kind of loyalty and decided to be horrid with the poor boy.
All of the Velkan’s men got marry. Of course, it wasn’t any difficult and all of them spent their times inside home. But Edward was an explorer. He really wanted to go out... so, after lots of days thinking and thinking, he decided he would talk to his father.
“Velkan (He didn’t call him “Father” because Velkan hated it) I’ve never been out of here. And you know how this british people is. They want to capture the pirates like you--- us and I’m sure I saw one of them spying our home a few days ago. So I want to go and explore and see if they’re in this island or if this is my imagination.”
“ Umm...why would you?”
“ Well...” Edward was really smart. He knew exactly what his father wanted to hear “Because if there’s some people in this Island and if they see your pira... people, they would call the police or goodness-knows-what would they do. So, to be sure, I decided to ask you if I can go and look by myself. Because, if they see only a little boy, they won’t do any harm to me and I would go and they would never know I’m a spy. But if they see a pirate, they shall get mad. I know it. Please, let me go and explore.”
Velkan stood thinking. But I don’t think he was thinking about the Edward’s words, he was not very clever to stay thinking for a long time. He stood thinking, actually, because he didn’t understand very well the Edward’s words.
“ All right, you can...” he said finally “But don’t get back too late or we will have you as dinner.”
“Thanks, Velkan.” Said Edward walking away.
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“What are we going to do now, Mr Tumnus? – Said He beaver, Mr. Beaver, the one who shared adventures with the Kings and the Queens of the Golden Age. Both were sitting around a table with food and different kind of juices and the Beaver went on.
“Prince Corin told us he can’t come here again. None of us can be king or queen, it must be a...”
“ Yes, Mr Beaver, I know, it must be a human.” Said Mr.Tumnus.
“May Aslan help us, we really need a King. But I’m still sad. The Golden Age had finished a long time ago. And we won’t have kings or queens as Peter, Susan, Edmund or Lucy, (May them live forever!)”
His eyes begun to shine.
“Such a good times!” he exclaimed “The Golden Age! I’m glad it’s written in the Chronicles of Narnia!”
Mr. Tumnus smiled remembering but he couldn’t help thinking that it was in the past.
“Yes... but they are gone. I think we won’t see a Son of Adam in a long time. And when we get to see another again... we’ll wish he goes away.”
“ Why, by the Lion’s mane, you said that?” Said Mr. Beaver “ All we want now is to meet a Son or daughter of Adam and Eve! Or perhaps... you know something you didn’t tell us!”
“Don’t be silly, Beaver!” Said Mr.Tumnus “Just... let’s enjoy this breakfast in silence and peace.”

Edward was really happy he got away of that pirates. He was very tired of his servant rutine. Then, he saw a big tree, which seemed to be waiting for him ready to help him to rest.
“ At last! I can rest here... I’m really tired.And… I don’t know, maybe I can get some scape, I don’t want to be the dinner!” He sat under the trees’ shadow “But what am I to do? I can’t say I was with the pirates, people from here would think I’m one of them!”
And he stood thinking in his mother. After looking at both sizes to see there was nobody, he wept.
Then, the rain started.
- Oh, dear, I can’t believe this... Such a bad luck!” he stood up quickly “Velkan is going to kill me if I don’t go. He’ll be wondering where on earth I am?--- well, all the same, I don’t know where on earth I am, actually.”
He looked there and saw a cave.
“Maybe, if I get there and wait ‘til the rain stop, I can rest for a while.” He said.
Then, he walked into the cave. It was very dark and the light only was on the cave’s mouth. He lay in the ground and fell asleep sooner than he thought.
After a long time, he woke up. He looked inside of the cave... he couldn’t see anything but darkness.
“I wonder if there’s an end in this cave.” He thought. But as soon he said that, he saw two big and yellow eyes looking straightly at him.
“I can’t believe I just woke up and I’m still dreaming” He said. Then, he heard a growl.
“And having alucinations!” He laughed. But it wasn’t a laugh for fun, it was because he was nervious.
Then he shut his eyes and opened them again and saw the same yellow eyes, still looking at him. He did it one more time and (Thanks Goodness, he said afterward) there was nothing.
“I swear I’ve never been happier of seeing darkness than this very moment!” But then he couldn’t talk any longer... a thing out of the cave frightened him. There was a tiger.
“Then, it was the growling thing!” He thought “Oh, dear! What am I to do? I can’t go out! But... what about going inside of this cave!” And he remembered about the two yellow eyes.
“Oh... but what if there’s a bear or a monster!” He thought “and... oh, no! The tiger is coming here! Oh, no! I’ll have to go inside and find the way to hide myself and to look for some way out. I hope this can’t take too much time, Velkan would kill me.”
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Then, he went inside of the cave... he didn’t try by any chance to do it quickly. He was afraid that the tiger might hear his steps. And he was very surprised for the cave was a deep one. When he saw the tiger was out of his view and no noise could be heard (Believe me, he stood still for a long time to be sure of that. ) He began to look around. Yes, to look, I said. He found that there was a small and weak light appearing. He could see his own hands.
“Perhaps there’s a way to get out of this cave!” He said and his words were echoing but it was like when you are in the open air, in the open place. There was a delightful smell...
“Why, I declare it’s a flower’s smell!” Said Edward, now whispering. He could hear his own words echoing, though. “Flowers!... but it’s impossible! I mean, the flowers need from the sunlight and from the water to live and I’m sure there’s nothing of the sort in this cave. But I can’t deny those are flowers... and hullo!”
He said “Hullo!” Because he found that as much he was walking, more light was appearing.
“I don’t remember to have seen any flowers in the island...only fog and rain... actually, I’m thinking seriously if there’s someone living in this place. And... Wasn’t there raining? I mean, I see something like the sunshine... but... there was no sunshine in the island!” He said louder finding he was no more worry about the tiger but for the light and the smell. Then, for the noise.
“Dogs.” He said finally walking to the light “Those are dogs... and birds. I can hear the wind! The trees! What on earth---?”
But he couldn’t say anything else. When he got near of the light, he found where the light came from. And he found a sun. And under the sun, a huge ground with the finest grass and flowers. Lots of flowers... a place very different of the island. And there were trees. Edward only opened his mouth when he realiced that the trees were walking. And straightly to him. There were some dogs. Edward tried to run away from the trees and walked to the dogs and stood near of them, frightened. But yet, he felt deep peace.
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(I don’t know if you remember, if you had once read the book named “Prince Caspian” of the Chronicles of Narnia written by the Professor Lewis that Aslan said in that book, almost at the end, how the telmarines had found the Land of Narnia... it was through a cave... Yeah, I know Ed isn´t Telmarine but keep reading and you’ll see!)
He looked at the dog thinking that he would be quite safe with them.
“Come on, dear little friend” said Edward quite nervious. “Where on earth am I?” And when he said this, he was, of course, talking to himself.
“These are the wild lands of the north” Said a white dog, with a shaggy body which would make you want to hold it for a long time
“What on earth!” Edward shouted as soon as he saw the Dog talking.
“ C...Ca..Can you speak?” He said finally.
“Of course I can, you--- strange criature!” said the Dog “What do you expect me to do? To try to catch my own tail like a Stupid Common Dog?”
“ But...” began Edward smiling with sarcasm “I mean, you are...”
“ I’m what?” asked the dog.
“You’re just a dog” he looked to another side trying to bear everything. “You are just a dog!”
“Just a dog!” laughed the Dog and looked to the others who began to laugh too (Or to make something that Edward thought it was a laugh) “Not just a dog...”
“But...” began Edward “No! I mean, logically this is impossible! Dogs can’t---”
“Logic, uh?” said the Dog “I don’t know what kind of Logic you have in your place.”
“Well, You… Mr. Dog, in the place where I come from, the dogs can’t speak.” Said Edward “It’s a silly idea just to think about that.”
“However, boy... Here, if a dog can’t speak, it must be considered as silly and dumb.” Said the Dog. Edward stared at him hardly.
“Don’t look at me like that!” said the Dog very uncomfortable.
“Like what, Dog?” said Edward.
“Like if I was a monster or something!” Growled Dog.
“Excuse me... but... but you look like one... Sir” said Edward “You’re too big and too weird to be just an ordinary Dog!”
“ Excuse me! I’m not an ordinary dog, Human boy, I’m a Talking Dog and I’m a Talking Animal.”
“Talking animal?” said Edward very interested now “You mean... you’re not the only who can talk like I do, are you?”
“Of course I’m not! There’s lots of Talking Animals! By the Lion’s mane! It seems as if you had never been in Narnia before!” Cried Dog.
“Narnia?” said Edward a bit confused.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know Narnia!” Said Dog.
“Sorry” said Edward. “No.”
“But in the name of...!” he looked at the other dogs (Who apparently didn’t want to talk. They were Talking Dogs too, though.) And tried to stay calm.
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I always did figure that Aslan would not send the Pevensies back to Earth without letting somebody in Narnia know what happened! And yes, the Post-Pevensie Period is a natural for someone to fill in! Having Corin help out, by the way, makes good sense.
“Is this land, human child! Where you are standing up. Where the trees can walk and the animals can talk, where Aslan is the greatest king and...” began to say Dog.
“Well, I didn’t know this part of the Island.” Said Edward looking around.
“What island? This is not an Island, child, this is a country.” Said Dog.
“But how could this be possible? I mean, I was in an Island and I got into a’s very different from here. There was a rain, you know. And lot of fog... and soon, I got here.” He said more confused than before. Dog stood for long time thinking.
“Oh... I know now you are not from here... you came from another world.” he said coolly.
“Really?” said Edward.
“Yes, here, this happened before a long time ago... it’s not weird for me. And now that I come to think, I see you’re a Son of Adam.” said Dog.
“When? What? How?” began to say Edward.
“ Umm... well... I’m going to tell you a story. Listen: A long time ago, an old prophecy became true. Two sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve came to protect us from the white witch who was rulling here with an eternal winter. But these humans helped us with Aslan, the Lion, and the white witch now is dead. They were kings and queens several years but they dissapeared about ten years ago. One faun, Mr. Tumnus, is the only one who knows what has truly happened to these kings and queens but he told us that he couldn’t talk about that. Aslan told him...”
“ Who’s this Aslan you’re talking about?” asked Edward for he felt something weird inside of him as soon as Dog said his name.
“Aslan? He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He’s Aslan, the Great Son of the Emperor Across the Sea.” Said Dog very proud.
“ Oh... you mean, he’s your king now, isn’t he?” Asked Edward.
“Not in the way you think. We still do not have a king in this land. But come, you’ll want to come and see more than this ugly camp. Come to see the Castle of Cair Paravel, the most beautiful castle on this earth. Come!”
Then Edward went along with him and the other dogs. In their way, they talked about lots of things. The other dogs who never talked before began to talk more than Edward thought they would have done. But Dog was walking before them; very quiet thinking and thinking a lot. It was as if he were trying to bear something, to hide his feelings, as if he wanted to scream and laugh for happiness and he couldn’t do it. And certainly, he wanted to, he had found Edward. But he knew that he might scare the poor little boy who still was in something like a shock since he arrived in Narnia. Edward wasn’t older than 16 years old, he was sure of it.
After a long and good walking (And talking) they saw a blue river with pure and clean water.
“Across the river, that’s Cair Paravel.” said Dog.
When Edward saw that, he couldn’t help smiling... it was really beautiful and he never saw such a great thing. The Great and Shining Castle seemed to smile at the sun. And they were walking again to get there. All of the criatures that Edward saw follow them... and everyone begun to shout and cry.
“Why are they staring at us like that?”Asked Edward.
“Maybe they think you look funny.” Said Dog, who once heard the same thing coming from a Daughter of Eve’s mouth in the Aslan’s Camp.
When Edward was inside of the castle, he saw centaurs and beavers and tigers and leopards. They were walking and talking like humans. They had kind faces. But then, he saw a criature so different of everyone else... it was a Lion which came walking to where he was standing up... it had the sweetest look in the world and it was strong and humble, wild and beautiful; it came with all its majesty and its golden body... it frightened Edward. He remembered about those eyes he had seen in the cave before when he saw the Lion’s.
“Is that Aslan? The King of Narnia? I mean, the One you told me...”said Edward to Dog.
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“Who? What are you talking about?” said Dog.
“The Lion upstairs!” said Edward, pointing with his finger.
“What? Where?” said Dog anxious.
“There, Dog! There, upstairs! Don’t you see? He’s there! And By Jove he has a wild face! The wildest in this world!”
“I can’t see anything, Ed.” Said Dog. “There is nothing.”
“But I’m telling you! There is a Lion looking at me right now!” Edward talked louder.
“Edward, stop playing! There’s nothing! I don’t see aything but air and the huge Window!” said Dog quite angry now.
“Dog, I’m not lying if that’s what you---!”
“Edward, if you want to play it’s fine but play with yourself. We haven’t seen a Lion since Our King’s and Queen’s dessapearence.” Said Dog and that was the end of their conversation,
But Edward kept looking to that lion... it shook its mane and the Sun got shiner than this one, in our world... He saw Dog was talking with a strange criature. If Edward knew about something, it was about the fairy tales that he used to hear from his mother’s mouth when he was a little boy. And that criature was a faun who now was coming to him.
“Good afternoon, Son of adam” said the Faun “I’m Tumnus and I’m the Leader here. But tell me, who are you?”
“I’m Mr. McVernie. Edward McVernie.” Said Edward holding out his hand to Tumnus. Edward saw that Tumnus had some strange look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something he liked very much. (And Tumnus remembered the very day he met Lucy) However, he stood still.
“And tell me, Edward McVernie, How did you get here? It’s not normal to see a Son of Adam in these lands.” Said Mr. Tumnus. Then, Edward explained all about his journey in the Island and the cave and his arrive in Narnia. Tumnus seemed to be a bit scared. He stood silent looking at the Edward’s eyes and said a very unexpected and weird question:
“Edward... if you had to choose: would you let things going on their own way knowing that it would be dangerous for those who you love but knowing it’s the right thing you must do?... or you’d try to stop the danger as soon as you can, knowing it’s the wrong thing?”
“Well, Sir... I if knew that those who I love would be safe, I would do the wrong thing.” Said Edward.
“And what if the consecuences...?”
“I would do everything to fix the consecuences in the best way.” Said Edward. All around Edward nodded. But Tumnus’ face looked worry.
“Son of Adam...I’m’s not safe...” he began to say quite nervious “It’s not good for us that you’re here. I think you have to go.”
“Why?” said Edward quite sad.
“It’s not good; we are in terrible danger if you stay here! You must go! Even if---” but he stood frightened.
They heard a ROARING.
“What was that?” said two satyrs. And everyone was wondering the same thing.
“It... it seemed to be... a roaring from...” began to say Mr. Tumnus but Edward smiled.
“I know what it is.” He stared at Dog first and then, to the stairs “It’s that lion upstairs.”
“Which Lion, Edward?” said Dog “There’s nothing!”
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“But you heard him yourself! He looked furious when Mr. Tumnus said I had to leave!”
“Perhaps it was a wild Lion.” Said Mr. Beaver looking at a Centaur.
“ If it was a wild lion, we must take it out!” said the Centaur.
“If it was! If it was a wild lion.” Said Mr.Tumnus “Look out at the doors. It must not escape. Now, Son of Adam, Come with me. I need to talk to you.”
“Sure, Mr.” Said Edward. “Good bye, Dog.”
“Yes, well... take care, Ed.” Said Dog.

After a while, Mr. Tumnus home was full of food’s smell. Mr. Tumnus was cooking for Edward.
“So...well, Son of Adam... how was the Lion you’ve seen upstairs”
“It was a big one. It was... it wasn’t brown, like all the lions, it was a Golden, Golden lion. And he...”
“He?” Smiled Tumnus. Edward smiled too...
“I mean, I can’t say ‘It’. It would be like something out of the place. It was He. And He had a very expressive face, He got mad when you said I had to leave. Should I suppose He wants to eat me?”
“Yes, you should.” Said Mr.Tumnus, quite laughing. “After all, He’s not a tame Lion.”
He sat in his chair looking at Edward.
“Hullo!” said Edward “Do you know him? You know who was the Lion, don’t you?”
“If I’m not wrong, you’ve seen Aslan.” Said Mr. Tumnus “I’m quite sure. Wild lions are away from our castle.”
“Aslan.” Said Edward in such a dreamy voice “He’s just like I imagined Him before. Dog told me about him and the White Witch and the Kings Peter, Susy---”
“Lucy!” Said Tumnus.
“Sorry, Sir, Peter, Lucy, Edmund and Susan, who were kings and queens several years... but they...”
“They are gone now.” Said Tumnus solemny “But I tell you something: This world is the most beautiful of all the worlds of the worlds. And everyone has to take care of it, that’s the rule. I don’t know your world but if you are here, you must take care of it too, in anyway.”
“What do you mean?” said Edward “I mean, I will... but you said I have to go. And if I’m going, I don’t think I’ll have time enough to take care of anything.”
“You... are right. Very. But I was thinking... if Aslan was furious when I said you have to leave...wouldn’t it be better if you stay here for more time?” said Tumnus, who was beggining to like the human.
“I... don’t think so.” Said Edward “It’s too late. My father is going to kill me. He said that.”
“Really?” said Mr. Tumnus “I heard that the Narnian time runs different than your world’s”
“You mean... that when I get back... I shall get at the same day and the same hour I left? Or maybe thousand of years later?” he asked.
“I think your first supposing is all right. Aslan told me.” Said Tumnus “But if you want to get home, you should go through the cave you came from.”
“All right.” Said Edward “Would you mind to go with me and call Dog? I don’t know where exactly the cave is”
“Sure, Son of Adam” said Tumnus.
“Oh and, by the way, my name is Edward. Can you call me like that?” he said “May I call you Tumnus instead of Mr.Tumnus?”
“Of course, Son.” Said Tumnus.
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“They were walking and Edward could see how beautiful that world was. The great mountains, the trees... walking trees... and the talking animals. Oreius was with them, he was always taking care of people and he was talking about how he had helped to The High King Peter in the White Witch’s war. And then, Edward took way to his home but, before that, Tumnus said something...
“Edward, you showed me that you are humble and gentle. Maybe if you get here again, too many time shall pass. But remember: You’ll be always welcomed here and do never forget Aslan. And do never forget what you felt standing before him, right? I hope you get safe.”
“Thanks for everything, Tumnus. And thanks, Oreius and thanks, Dog.” Said Edward.
“Good bye, Edward. Good bye.” They said.

Then Edward felt as if he had been dreaming and he woke up in the cave... the tiger was still there and the darkness was there too...
“It couldn’t be a dream at all...” He thought and when the Lion’s face came into his mind, he knew it was real.
The tiger ran away, for it had seen a stag. Then, Edward began to ran away too, he wanted to tell everything to his Father... I mean, Velkan. When he got, Velkan was exactly like he had been in the very same moment Edward had left the pirate’s camp.
“Would’t you look around the whole Island, kid?”
“Yes, I did and guess...” Began to say Edward but Velkan laughed.
“But you couldn’t have gone anywhere, you just left a few hours ago!”
“But I did!” said Edward.
“You mean, I’m a liar, am I?” asked Velkan quite angry.
“No, Sir! I would never say such a thing!” said Edward a bit afraid.
“And why you keep on saying you just explored the whole island when you had had no time enough!?” said Velkan.
“If I’m able to speak now, sir, I’ll tell you everything.” Said Edward.
Then, Edward made the biggest mistake of all his life: He told everything to his father, the worse pirate of the world.
“You mean” said Velkan laughing, everyone was laughing “That the dogs can talk here, right?”
“Yes, of course!” said Edward “It’s inside of that cave, just rounding the corner!”
“Do you really think there can be worlds just rounding the corner, just like that?” said another one, of course, joking.
“And you found a talking goat!”Said another one.
“It was a faun, I’m telling you! And his name is Mr. Tumnus!”
“And you found walking trees and all the things you’d see in a stupid fairy tale?” Said Velkan.
“Yes, believe me or not, I did.” Said Edward very angry.
“I don’t believe you, child, I can’t. Its really stupid. What do you think, pirates?” He said to the group with them.
“It was all a dream, that’s all!” said one of the pirates.
“No, I think he’s a liar!” said the other.
“He’s only a little stupid boy, he doesn’t know anything about life so he believes on criatures that even we can’t see.”
“I think he’s a liar.” Said one.
“Maybe he’s doing a story for fun, aren’t you? And why wouldn’t you, servant?” Said Velkan.
“No! NO! And No Again! I did see these things, believe me or not.”
“Anyway, we won’t believe you. Ever.” Said the pirates.
“ Now”said Velkan “That’s enough. You can go back to work, kid. But if I hear you’re telling those stories again, I’ll kill you. Understood?”
“Yes... sir.” said Edward almost crying.
“That’s good. Now, go back to work.” And they all did the same.
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The rest of the week, the pirates were talking about that world that Edward said. Not because they believed on it, it was because they believed Edward was mad. And since that moment, they called him Edward “the freak”. And he spent that week completely ashamed... and he was terribly sad, he couldn’t bear that anymore and he ran away at the morning of the seventh day. He ran to the ugly cave and he tried to go inside but he was afraid... he was afraid that Narnia might be only a dream and also he was scared because maybe he was completely mad...
“What am I going to do? I don’t have anything to lose... but... I can’t just go... What if there’s nothing and Velkan found that I’m gone and when I get back there...oh, no! I don’t want to be the dinner! I must return with them. But--- But Narnia! And Aslan! I can stay there forever! But what if it’s not real?”
Then he saw two and big yellow eyes looking at him.
“Follow me, son of Adam” said a voice.
“Son of Adam?” He thought “It must be someone of Narnia! I’ve got to go there!”
Then, he went inside of the cave and a beautiful smell came into his nose. Suddenly, something made him scare... there was voices behind him, noises of foots and steps... he ran farther and then, he saw it... The light... the noise... everything was there again. But yet, it was different... there was snow. Lot of snow.
“Yes” he said “This is Narnia. But where’s the voice who called me?”
There was nobody. Then, he tried to remember the way and walked to Cair Paravel.
When he got there, he noticed everyone was crying out of its gates. Nobody would talk to him... but he found a dwarf and tried to speak to him.
“Dwarf” said Edward “I’m Edward McVernie. I’ve been here before. Tell me your name... But... why are you crying?”
“I’m Kingly, Sir” But Kingly never looked at Edward “We are sad... our leader is ill and we don’t know what to do. If he dies, Narnia will be prisoner of another kingdom” said the Dwarf.
“What? Ill? Really? Prisoner? How? Why?” said Edward confused.
“We don’t have a King yet and Mr. Tumnus is terribly ill---”
“Tumnus? What’s happening to him?” said Edward.
“He’s ill. Doctors said he will die in a few months... or days. We tried to find a cure... but there is no cure. And we don’t have signs of Aslan.” Said Kingly.
“But... how could this happen?” Said Edward.
“He’s old, son. That’s the reason. And he doesn’t want to know about bed, he’s still waiting for the Human of the Legend.” Said Kingly
“Human of the Legend?” said Edward.
“Yes, Sir.” Said Kingly “20 years ago, a human came to Narnia from another world... of course, exactly 10 after that the four Pevensies, High King Peter and the others dessapeared near of the Lamp Post. The legend says that he will return someday... but I don’t believe it.”
“So It is a legend...” said Edward very surprised and after he realiced what Kingly said, he exclaimed
“20 years ago! How? I mean, in my own world I’ve been out of Narnia for one week.”
“The worse of all is that Tumnus still believes in that tale, or legend...” Said Kingly.
“But of course he would!” Said Edward thinking that Kingly might be quite silly, for of course Kingly had never seen a Human before and didn’t believe very well in their existence, less in their return
“Tumnus saw this human himself.” Adeed Edward. “How can’t you believe it if I am here?”
“What does it have---?” but for first time, Kingly looked at Edward and stared at him for such a long time that He though he was petrified.
“Look, Kingly” said Edward hastily after a long time “I know this is hard to believe but I am that Human, I told you I am Edward McVernie and I came here to stay in Narnia... after 20 years, like you said. I’d love to stay here with you staring at me with that horrid expression of surprise but I’m longing so much to see Mr. Tumnus now that you told me he’s ill and he’s waiting for my return... can you take me to his house?”
Kingly wincked a lot while Edward walked behind him. He stood silent and looking ahead, looking for the house of Tumnus. After a long walking (Because you can’t go as fast with all that snow on your legs and foots and the coldness) when they got to the Tumnus’ home, Edward looked at Kingly and smiled. Kingly turned back to go to Cair Paravel again but before that, he said:
“You don’t look as if you were more than 20 years old...”

Velkan woke up as soon Edward had awakened but he didn’t see anything. The stupid sunshine was bothering him more everyday.
“I’ll wake up every single dumb pirate here. We need to leave this island at once. I’m really bored.
He got up of his bed and went to the Edward’s bed.
“Hey, kid! Wake up, silly, I need breakfast! Hey, stupid, wake up and bring me breakfast – he yelled and stood quiet trying to hear any sound. But he saw Edward’s bed and it was empty.
“What the...” He was furious. There was a law in those days... if you had a servant and he escaped without reason, it was a crime and there had to be a punishment. In those times, dying was the best option.
“What on earth’s up?” said Velkan “Where is him?”
He checked every bed, every tent but he didn’t find Edward. Of course, he wanted to kill him.
Soon, everyone was looking for him. And, to their surprise, they found footsteps in the ground.
“You’ll be caught, Edward” said Velkan “And you will not escape.”

“I’m glad you’re back” said Tumnus having tea with Edward “I wanted to see you.”
“Why? How do you feel? I’m sorry you’re ill and. You wanted to see me before dying, didn’t you?.” Said Edward.
“No, son, that’s not the reason...” said Tumnus smiling sadly “I knew you’d return someday and that was one of the reasons I wanted to be alive. But Aslan told me once that a Son of Adam would come from another world and he would rule over Narnia but I’m afraid that he will be horrid to us and very evil... that’s why I was scared of your coming here.”
“You don’t mean I’m that Human, do you?” asked Edward quite worry.
“Oh... no, no, no, Edward, you...” he sat down in his chair beside Edward and stared at him kindly “You are good. Your heart is faithful and you’re not afraid of being who you really are and to say the things you really think. You are not evil... you can’t be the Narnia’s king that Aslan told me.”
“Then I’m calm. I’m not worthy of being a king at all when I’m... me.” And Tumnus saw true humbleness in his face.
“Aslan appeared to me in a dream, actually.” He said taking a piece of lemon pie “And he told me... I’d be alive to crown our new king. So, I’m afraid I shall not die before it happens.”
“Then, I hope this king does never show up.” He said smiling sarcastly.
“Me neither.” Said Tumnus “And it’s not because I want to be alive. Anyway, I’m confused. Aslan said a Good King would come too… but I don’t know whether he will appear before or after this evil King. I hope that before. It’s for the Good of Narnia---umm--- did I ever tell you the story of how I met Lucy Pevensie, the Valiant Queen?”
“No, Sir” said Edward “Never. Would you mind to tell me that story now?”
“Of course, Edward. But be quiet, for it’s a long one.” Said Tumnus before starting “I call this story ‘the Lion, the Witch and the War-drobe’ and I hope someday that someone can change this name.”
After a long while, Tumnus was strong enough to go out of his home with Edward and both walked in the snow with a red umbrella, which now was white for the snow. Both walked to Cair Paravel making bad and good jokes, talking about Him and all that sort of things you’d talk with someone who seems to be an old dear friend. They got to Cair Paravel and there was a great party, everyone was dressed in Golden clothes and there was food and a big, long table with different sort of juices and pictures of Aslan himself, and people dancing in the woods, the dryads, the fauns, satyrs, centaurs, animals, the stags (Very beautiful indeed.) the Beavers, the Dogs... strangers from other lands dark skinned.
“What is this, Mr. Tumnus?” Asked Edward. He smiled.
“This was a memorable day a long time ago... this was the day that Peter, the High Magnificent King and Aslan, the Lion defeated the White Witch. So, the very same day we made a feast and danced and now, it’s a tradicion.”
Edward smiled seeing how much happiness was living in that place. He stood thinking for a long while...
“I think I shall stay here. This is such a great place... even if this is a dream, I’ll never wake up. May I stay in your house for a little time, dear friend?” He asked. Tumnus stared at him surprised.
“Really?” He asked.
“Yes, I love the sardines you’ve got. I’m a pirate and a fisher. I mean, I’m only a fisher and a son of a pirate. But it doesn’t matter, actually...”
“Umm... but people shall want you to stay in Cair Paravel... I don’t know if that shall be a trouble...”
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“Please, do say yes! I don’t want to go back to my world, I don’t want to. Anyway, my father would not know about it because of the time’s difference.”
“Perhaps, Son of Adam, but you never can say anything. You might return at the same time you’ve been gone or you might return after lots of years...”
“Oh, I thought it was different. I... don’t think I’ll meet my father again and that’s why I want to stay. Even if that evil king comes here, I’ll bear everything. But I won’t go back.”
“Then, I do want you to stay in home.” Said Tumnus smiling “I was beggining to feel myself a bit alone.”
“Thanks, Tumnus. Thank you for everything.” Said Edward... but he didn’t realice til afterward that he had done a huge mistake...

“One more time, Velkan” said a Pirate called Gumble wlaking in the darkness “What are we doing in this cave? I can’t see anything!”
“We are trying to find Edward, Gumble” said Velkan. He noticed there was two ways, two big holes and he walked to the left one.
“Why? He’s useless to us now!” said Gumble, who was disliking that place more everytime.
“He has always been.” Said Velkan “But it’s a crime to escape being a slave and he’ll pay it with death.”
“We’re pirates!” he shouted sarcastly “Since when we do what the law says?”
“I must confess, Gumble” said Velkan bothered “That I’m doing this for my own enjoying.. I never liked that boy... and he will die for the thing he has done to me.”
“What’s that light?” said one of the Pirates. It took a long for all of them to go inside, for it was a small cave and there were their wives and their children.
“Don’t be a coward, whoever you are!” said Velkan “We shall see.”
Then, they went quickly to that light but Velkan felt as falling, luckily, not too far. He raised his head and saw an ugly desert, the sky was red and the air was cold. Death silence was everything they could hear... until they saw Two women talking with each other, apparently, very excited. As soon they saw the pirates, they helped them to go out of the cave and gave them water.
“Can you, pray, tell me who you are?” said the older woman.
“Is not your bussiness, who are you?” Said Gumble.
“I am Binthia and this is my daughter Heleen.” She said.
“Tell us where we are!” said another pirate.
“Shut your mouth!” said Velkan fiercely and then, he spoke to the ladies with a fake gentler voice. Of course, they’ve noticed it.
“Binthia and Heleen, my name is Velkan and I came here looking for my son. Would you mind to tell me where he is?”
“Sorry. We don’t know about your son, Sir.” Said Heleen humbly.
“But you must!” he said trying to control himself “I mean, ladies, he came through this cave a few seconds ago and I’m sure you’ve been here for a long time.”
“Yes, Sir” said Heleen “We’ve been here for a long time but we haven’t seen anything nor anyone like your son.”
“I don’t believe you!” said Velkan fiercely “He came here, you saw him and you don’t want to tell me!”
“But we don’t know, sir!” said Binthia “We are free woman and we haven’t seen your son!”
“Free woman, ain’t you?” said Velkan laughing “You’re not free woman anymore. You are my slaves now.”
“Sir, you can not---” began to say Heleen bravely.
“Shut your mouth, slave!” He shouted “Now, we’ll go and find Edward. He’s my son after all. I must be with him... by the way, where are we, Binthia?”
“Telmar.” Said Binthia rather scornfully “The desert and cold land of Telmar. Nobody lives here, it’s pure desert.”
“And what were you doing here, then?” He asked suspicious. Heleen tried to change the subject.
“It’s completely desert, sir” she said “And now that you’ve come, it’s yours. Have you heard about that rule?”
“Of course.” Said Velkan liking the idea “I’m a pirate! If I find some desert land, it’s ours! Ours, guys! The Land of telmar is ours. And we’ll stay here living until I find my son. Go, all of you and bring your other families.” He shouted to another pirates over there who had left their families taking care of the ships and houses.
“If it’s completely desert” said one of the pirates “What on earth were you doing here? Aren’t you from here?”
“We’re not from here, Sir, We come from Narnia, where trees walk and animals talk.” Said Binthia.
“Walking trees? Talking animals? Like the Edward’s world!” Said Velkan thinking how sarcastic that situation was “We must get there at once!”
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“But it’s a far long way from here, Sir.” Said Binthia.
“How long shall take to us to get there, slave?” He asked.
“Well” she said “Like three weeks, maybe a month walking. Maybe two... but you said you’d stay here!”
“I’ll do as I want! And I want to get there! But... don’t you have horses?” Asked Velkan.
“This is a desert land, sir. We do not have horses, horses only live in Narnia, Calormen and the land of Archenland.”
“If this is a desert land, what were two ladies like yourselves doing here? You haven’t answer that.” said Velkan.
“Well, Sir” began Binthia “We just met Asl...”
“We escaped, sir, we’re criminals from Calormen and we got lost.” Said Heleen. Of course, she was lying just to see the Velkan’s reaction. He seemed to like that and after a long time, he said.
“Weren’t you free woman?” He laughed. “All right. Let’s go then, lead us to Narnia.”
Velkan was furious because of his son. He was planing to kill him in any way and to kill every single criature on that stupid world. But he liked Telmar. He stood living there for a long while, of course. He stood thinking in lots of ways to find Edward soon. And while he was there, Edward didn’t know about it. So months went on and Velkan got more people for slavery and named them Telmarines.
One day they sailed out to Narnia and after several days they couldn’t find it...
Meanwhile, the two ladies were walking in midnight, after all those weeks, far away of the pirates.
“Heleen, run away while you can and get to Narnia” said Binthia.
“Mother, I won’t leave you alone, you must come with me.” Said Heleen.
“No, dear. I’m not as fast as you are, nor as young as you are either. You can run, you’re the best. You must get to Narnia and find that Edward and tell him his father is here. He wants to kill him. Tell Edward he must be prepared, Velkan’s men are enough.” Said Binthia.
“But how am I going to find him?” she asked.
“You know what to do, Aslan just told us.” Said Binthia. “Do you remember? You’ll recognise him... you know why...”
“I know...” she said feeling rather awkward and her face grew red. She smiled.
“It doesn’t matter what happens to me, I’m proud of you. Remember it. I’m glad my girl shall be a queen---” said Binthia but they suddenly heard a voice.
“What are you doing there?!” said a pirate behind them.
“Run, Heleen!” Said Binthia.
“But Mother---”
“Go! The Narnia’s fate is in your hands! Go!”
“Mum, no!” She said.
“She’s running away!” said the pirate. Of course, it was Gumble. “That Binthia helped the younger one to scape!”
But Heleen was already away.
“Kill her.” He said coolly “Don’t worry about the girl, she won’t get anywhere. This is a desert. She’ll die before it.”

Edward was taking classes to drive his sword with the Centaurs but Dog Came and said (Quite tired.)
“Sir, I need to tell you something. I was on my way to home when I just saw a Daughter of Eve and she told me she has a message to Edward.”
“But I don’t know any daughter of Eve here!” said Edward confused.
“She’s wounded, mylord, and she came here just to tell you her message. She’s been strong waiting for you, Edward. I think you ought to go.”
“I’ll go then. I’ll be back soon, Centaurs.” Said Edward running along Dog.
He went with the centaur and saw the girl, who lied on bed. She was really beautiful.
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“You’re Edward, ain’t you?” she said getting up but feeling a huge pain. However, she seemed to resist. She had a huge wound on her stomack.
“May I look?” He said “I was a sort of doctor in my father’s ship. I don’t think I’ll cure it but I shall make it less painly.”
And Heleen stared at him for a long time while he saw her wound. Then, he took water and a little sheet and tried to clean her wound. Meanwhile, she asked again if he was Edward.
“Yes, Mylady” said Edward “Did we meet before?”
“No, Sir” she said and after a loud ‘Oww!! And she adeed “I’m here for I have bad news.”
“Tell me, in the name of the Lion.” He said.
“Well, I was... in Telmar, with Mother...” she said in dessapairing tones.
“Try to speak, lady, please.” Said Edward.
“A man... killed her. I don’t think she’s still alive.” And a tear ran in her face. Edward knew how one feels losing a mother. He smiled sadly and said:
“I know how you feel. I lost my mother too. My father---”
“It was your father.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your father is Velkan, isn’t he?” She said.
“Yes...” he said puzzled “How... how do you know that?”
“I met him. He’s here. He knows you’re here and he wants to kill you.” she said “I ran as fast as I could.”
“Here? No!” Said Edward.
“He’s in the land of Telmar, not too far neither too near. He came through a cave… he said you had come through thst cave too but you appeared in Narnia. He appeared in Telmar.”
“I believe… something just… happened that made him get there and not here.”
“Maybe Aslan did it.” Said Dog. Heleen sighed.
“Aslan told me Velkan shall destroy Narnia if he gets here. Velkan will be king and destroy everything he can.” Said Heleen.
“He Can’t! He doesn’t know Narnia! He can’t get here!”
“But he will and he’s evil. He killed my mother and we must protect Narnia at once. He’s near of here... you must do something.”
“But I’m nobody!” He said sadly.
“We’re humans.” Said Heleen.
“But I’m nobody, I’m not a king...”
“The king will come soon. But not yet, meanwhile, Narnia needs help and the only one here is you. I’m a girl from Archenland who came to Narnia with my mother when I was a little child. I missed my mother... I won’t miss Narnia.” she said with courage.
“How am I going to do this?” He said. The girl stood up before him and put her hand on his shoulder.
“Ask for help.” She said smiling humbly “It always works.”

Every criature were out of Cair Paravel and Edward was inside trying to find a solution.
“We must fight.” Said Oreius. “There’s no other solution.”
“I know, Oreius, but we must remember something...” said Edward “They are humans, they are real murders and pirates and they did never love in their lifes. They are cold and evil. But you, criatures, you are so kind, you know what love is, and I’m afraid they won’t fear you.”
“Edward is right.” Said Mr. Tumnus, who was more healthy “We need more than criatures. I’ll ask help to the King Cor.”
“They are getting nearer every minute, Sir.” Said an Eagle “I’m afraid there’s no time to ask help to anybody.”
“May Aslan help us, then.” Said Mr. Beaver, but it was more like “May goodness help us!”, just like a expression which made Edward have an idea.
“Aslan!” He said “Aslan, that’s it! We must find him!”
“But you never can say when Aslan gets here or when he goes, he comes and goes when he pleasures.” Said the Eagle.
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“I’ll search for him.” Said Edward “I’ll do it.”
“I’m going with you, then.” Said Oreius.
“Not this time, my friend. I must go alone.” Said Edward.
“If you want to do it quickly, I must go with you. I’ll take you.” said Oreius humbly.
“But I thought the Centaurs are not like horses...” said the Eagle.
“I’m not a horse but I’d give my life to see Aslan one more time.” He said.
“Then, you’ll come with me.” Said Edward.
“But where can we go first?” said Oreius “The stars say he’s near but I don’t know the exactly place.”.
“I can take you there, Mylords.” Said a girl’s voice. Everyone turned back and it was Heleen.
“I met Aslan in Telmar, before I’d met Velkan.” She said “I know where he is. I know where you can meet him.”
“Oreius...” said Edward “Do you think she would be a trouble to us if she comes to meet Aslan?”
“I don’t think so, Sir. But we need her. She knows it, I feel it. And the stars say that Aslan is very near too, so...”
“ Well, Heleen, I do believe you earned your place in this journey. But let’s go now. This shall take too much time.” Said Edward quite nervious and happy because of the girl’s presence...
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The day was terribly cold and rainy. Velkan began to hate the “Edward’s world”, as he used to call it. There was a dead silence and a cold look came from the Velkan’s eyes. He was furious but not only because of Edward, he was furious because no one before had trick him and Edward was the first one. He was evil and he felt like dead in the right moment he got to the Edward’s world. Velkan looked at Binthia’s dead-body and laughed.
“I’ll get more people here. I’ll tell them lies, I’ll get them all and I’ll kill them all. Maybe I could stay here... perhaps I could find a treasure here, who knows? Maybe I can become a king and everyone would follow my orders and... I would get the women I want. And I would be rich.”
He was thinking about these things when some pirate went to tell him...
“Sir, we found 50 more men who wants to enjoy us.” said Gumble.
“Why would they?” said Velkan a bit angry.
“We told them about our mission and they want to be our guides. They know where your son is, my lord. They’ve seen him. They all hate Narnia.” Said Gumble.
“Tell them it is ok. But they are our prisoners now. How manny are we, Gumble?” Said Velkan.
“15.750, sir. We’ve got too manny prisoners. They could be soldiers.”
“All right, Gumble. We must get them all. Tell them that as soon as we step into Narnia for first time, we’ll destroy everything we find. We will conquer this world! And tell them they are Telmarines now, they’re part of my land and my Kingdom!”
“Yes, mylord” said Gumble going out.
“And Gumble, by the way,” said Velkan “I don’t have a son anymore... He’s our enemy now.”

The wind was playing with Heleen’s hair while Edward was sleeping upon Oreius back. Heleen was looking at the valley.
“Sir” she said to Oreius “Are we getting near of the Mountain?”
“Which mountain, Daughter of Eve?” Said Oreius.
“The one I told you Aslan will meet us” Said Heleen
“Daughter of Eve, there’s too manny mountains.” Said Oreius.
There was a short silence and both of them were looking the beautiful sun and the walking trees in wood, not so far away.
“But there’s one, there’s a special one. Aslan told me about it.” Said Heleen after a while.
“How is the mountain, Heleen?” Said Oreius “I mean, How does it look like?”
“Well, It would be like... special.” Said Heleen “He didn’t want to tell me all the details, He’s so misterious!”
“Yes,” Said Oreius. “ I know what you mean.”
“Do you know Aslan, Oreius dear?” She asked.
“I don’t, I bet nobody does. But I met him before, I used to be with him in every battle. He brought me back to life once.” he said solemny.
“What do you mean?” said she “You died?”
“Long ago, Jadis, the White Witch turned me into a stone. We were in battle...” then, he smiled remembering old times “What a good times! I was with my King, Peter, the High King in those times. And with King Edmund too, of course. We were fighting against the White Witch and, in that time, Aslan was dead--”
“Dead?” she cried “How could be...? I mean, how...?”
“Would you let me talk?” He said laughing “That’s the curious thing about humans! They want to stay talking everytime!”
“Go ahead, please, I want to know about Aslan!” Said Heleen.
“Aslan was dead because the Witch had killed him in the Stone Table and--”
“Why? How dared she?” she said furious.
“Because... do you know the story of the Pevensie Childrens?”
“Yeah, those kids who came from another world... of course! About the prophecy of the two sons of Adam and Two Daughters of Eve.”
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“Well, the Witch was the Queen in those times. The kids came into Narnia and she almost killed one of those kids. Because he was a traitor. But Aslan offered himself to be killed instead of losing the only hope of Narnia.”
“Oh, he... did it?” she said almost crying “I’m so sorry...”
“Why? After all, He’s alive. And he went to the battle and he killed the White Witch.” Said Oreius.
“Yes, well, I know. But I’m sorry because I thought I knew him... he was only a Lion to me. You know, only a Talking Lion. And I didn’t even think he could give his own life for a traitor and I’m sad because now I know I’m wrong and He knows that. He knows every thought I had about him. And... ”
She bursted into tears “I’m just thinking about his Kindness and beauty and sweetness and... I can’t wait to meet him now!”
“ We shall go faster, then!” said Oreius running faster.
“Please, shut up both of you!” said Edward half-asleep “I’m trying to sleep!”
“Are you ever going to wake up, dear one?” said Heleen sarcastly.
“You have done it! Thanks, MyLady! I mean, Heleen.” He said and sat down in the Oreius’ back.
“I say, you remember my name!” Exclaimed Heleen.
“Yes, why would I forget it?” said Edward gently.
“I thought you were angry with me to come with you.” she said.
“I wouldn’t. I’m glad you’re here.” He was terribly shy.
“It doesn’t seem like that” said Oreius laughing “You looked like an oger when you just woke up.”
“Yeah, well, I look worse when I do not sleep.” He joked.
“I believe that’s better.” Said Heleen.
They were talking on the way to the mountain. They were talking about the Lion (I’m sure they were talking about Him the all way)

“Mr. Tumnus, Sir” said Dog breathless “I’ve got news from the strangers!”
“Go ahead, fair friend” said Mr. Tumnus.
“The strangers came from the land of Telmar, Sir.”
“Telmarines? Are they living there? It can’t be possible, my friend” said Tumnus confused “Telmar is a desert land!”
“They arrived there first. Now, Telmar is their land. Nobody knows how they got there. And now, they’re in Telmar, living there and preparing their army.” Said Dog
“These are not good news, fair friend.” Said Tumnus sitting in a very big chair for a faun like him.
“I know, Sir, and the worse thing is that our enemies are enjoying them.” Said Dog “We are not strong enough to defend this country.”
“I know, Dog” said the faun “But we must not be hopeless. Aslan shall do something. He told me in a dream these last days that in moments like this a king will come. And he told me the King’s name.”
“How it is?” Said Dog.
“The name is...”
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The land of Telmar was disgusting. Velkan hated his own country. He was cleaning his knife and sword and that weapons they used for killing people. And while he was thinking how to kill Edward, a woman came near of him.
“What do you want, lady?” He said crunky, as always.
“Mylord, allow me to introduce myself.” Said the lady.
“Nobody asked your name and I don’t care about it.” He yelled.
“If you don’t want to know it, you won’t.” she said misteriously.
“Of course I won’t. I don’t care about the names of the people from this stupid and hateful world.” Said Velkan, the bloody. And for first time, he looked at the woman. A strange light was around her... it was a green light, an awfully shining green light.
“And as I’m sure” he adeed “My fair lady is not from these lands, is she?”
“No, I’m not.” Said She in a strong voice “ I am a lady whose powers can make lose minds, my powers can help you to destroy the young boy and the whole kingdom of Narnia.”
“ But... Why would you do that?” said Velkan “Which is the reason for you to come here and tell me about destroy the things that I hate more than life?”
“I want revenge” said She.
“Revenge?” He said enjoying the conversation “Really? I think you must tell me why before anything.”
“The Narnians killed my Master and I want revenge. Long time ago, my Master arrived in the Land of Narnia and she brought a great winter for several years. But four humans arrived there too, after a hundred of years and they with Somebody that I dare not to say His name, killed my Master.”
“Who was this Master of yours?”
“She. Jadis. Jadis, The White Witch and the Last and Only Queen of Charn” said She very proud.
“And how should I call to my lady now?” He asked forgetting what he said a few moments ago.
“You shall not know my name now you already told me you don’t want to. I’m here to help Your Highness to destroy your enemies.You want to be king, don’t you?”
“I was thinking it would be a great idea, mylady. But how can I call you?” He asked again.
“They call me ‘She. The Lady of the Green Kirtle’!”
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Thanks, thanks for your quick reply. I'm very glad now. I really tried to do it without mistakes... i mean, mistakes in the history of Narnia, i just tried to write a stry since what Aslan said almost at the end of Prince Caspian's book. Thanks. Hope you like it.