Read the Story of the Thousand of years that wasn't told...

Thanks, thanks for your quick reply. I'm very glad now. I really tried to do it without mistakes... i mean, mistakes in the history of Narnia, i just tried to write a stry since what Aslan said almost at the end of Prince Caspian's book. Thanks. Hope you like it.

I'll try to publish the second part later... he,:p
“And what shall you do, then?” said Velkan giving a step near of her.
“Do you know, Your Highness, how the serpent is wiser than the rest of the animals?”
“I always thought that the shark could be the wisest animal.” begun Velkan but She interrupted him again
“You’re foolish talking like a Pirate, then! There’s no other animal wiser than the snake. I have the wiseness of the snakes. And I shall use it with your son because I know where he is now and with whom.” Said She while her green light turned shiner than before.

The day was sunny and everyone could see the spring time in its hotter way. Oreius was tired and the children were thirsty.
“May we stop and drink in that pool, Oreius dear?” Said Heleen.
“Yes, please” said Edward “We are dying of thirst!”
“I’d like to do it, human children, but there’s no time to spare” said Oreius Gently “ And I dare to say that I’m more tired than you and I’d like to take a bath and eat and drink.”
“Oh, please!” exclaimed both children “Please, we need it!”
After a while, they were in the middle of a wood. It was a strange Wood, it had the beauty that you can only see in dreams. There was such a deep silence that it would bring you peace. It had a delightful smell because it was full of flowers and trees. But these were not walking trees, these were only ordinary trees, which is very weird in Narnia to see a wood without no walking trees. The birds were like the birds of our world, ordinary birds. But the place was terribly beautiful. Edward was really excited without reason. Heleen felt as if she was going to cry without reason. And the Centaur had a feeling that something was wrong... But soon, he was like the other two.
“There’s two pools, Edward” said Heleen “Let’s go and drink in those blue waters”
“Can’t you feel how the wood seems to be a dream?” Said Edward.
“Yes, it seems... really... I feel a deep peace.” Said Heleen.
Suddenly, they noticed that Oreius fell asleep in the ground.
“Oreius!” said both of the children
“What’s wrong with him?” Said Heleen.
“Perhaps he was really tired.” Said Edward.
“But he didn’t seem as tired when we arrived here before. He was tired, but not as tired to be like this.”
“Well, all the same, I think we must drink first, I’m dying!” Said Edward.
Edward was going to drink his first drop in two days when suddenly Heleen beated him in his head.
“What the devil you think you’re doing, blithering idiot!?” said Edward really furious, not because she beated him, it was because the water he couldn’t drink.
“Look at the Oreius’ mouth!” Said Heleen. Edward saw that the Oreius’ mouth was wet. Obviously, he had drunk water of that pool.
“What are you thinking, Heleen?” Said Edward.
“I think we shouldn’t drink this water... it is a horrid felling I’ve got inside of me. And sorry I beated you... my mouth is very dry, I barely can talk.” Said she.
Then, the hot wind turned in to a cold wind and it had whisperings on it...
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Stay” said the wind “You’ll be happy here
“What are you talking about, Heleen? We can’t stay here!” Said Edward.
“I didn’t say anything, Edward!” she said “listen... its coming again!”
Drink” Said the voice in the wind “Drink and stay... if you drink, you’ll forget your troubles... you’ll forget about Narnia... you’ll forget of the wars... you’ll be happy forever in this wood...”
“We can’t stay!” said Heleen but Edward’s face was changed. A bit sleepy.
“What would happen if we stay here?” said he a bit sleepy.
Look into the pool, children, look and see the wonders of the wood... look how your future would be if you stay here...”
“Let’s see, then” said Heleen, who felt she was being controled by some strange energy.
When they looked into the pool, they saw a woman and a man with a child on the women’s arms. They seemed to be happy and then, too many animals were around them. The animals brought them food and everything they needed in that moment. They looked perfectly happy and the time stopped.
You are the woman and the man. And that beautiful child is your son, Miraz” Said the Voice.
“Miraz?” said Heleen making a face “That means Murderer! Do you think I’d call like that--?”
You’re owner of your choices, fair lady... children, this is the life you could get... eternal life... eternal peace... eternal richness... even if the world falls down, you would be safe here... you would be happy...
Some kind of magic was enchanting to the kids. But it was the evilness in their own minds which was controling themselves.
“What do we need to do?” said both of them together “We want it! We want it! Oh, do, do, do tell us!”
A charming laugh came through the wind to the children’s ears. By the way, it was a woman’s voice.
You must drink. Nothing else... you must drink now.”
Soon, was dark but then, a great light was getting near of the children. They couldn’t see what it was. Then, the wind cried:
Drink, drink now!”
“What’s that light, Edward?” said Heleen curiously while her hand was taking water.
“It doesn’t matter, drink! He’s getting near!”
“Who?” exclaimed Edward “Who’s getting near?”
It doesn’t matter, fool!” said the voice “Drink now or I’ll kill you both!”
“Stop, Heleen! Do not drink!” Then, Edward thought about his friends in Narnia and Tumnus, his dearest friend and about Aslan.
“Stop, Heleen! Aslan wouldn’t like this!” He cried.
Shut up, fool!” said the Voice. And the light was really near and shiner than before, a shadow came within.
“No, I won’t close my mouth now! All my life I’ve been in silence because of My Evil Father but that’s going to change!!” Shouted Edward.
Listen to my words, fools! I’m saying...”
“No!” said Heleen “We only listen to Aslan!”
DRINK OR YOU’LL DIE!!!!” Cried the wind again and it turned into a great and black twister. Edward held Heleen as strong as he could, trying to protect her.
If you don’t live in My Will, You’ll die for it!” said the Voice.
“We don’t care! It’s of Aslan’s will we’re followers!!” said Heleen “We won’t hear you anymore!”
The twister was the biggest and the darkest and the strongest one that you shall never see in our world.
Die like your Race killed my Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!” said the Voice.
The wood was destroyed and the trees were flying in the air, in the middle of the twister. The sweets animals turned in horrible monsters waiting for the children hidden in the twister.
But then, the shining light took the shape of a horse... or something as big a horse. And it began to blow and blow and blow to the twister. It seemed to be a fight of twisters... there was the black twister and then, something like a white twister— the breathing of the horse-shape.
If I don’t kill you, Edward, I’ll kill someone of your family! I’ll kill someone that you won’t save! I’ll kill to the greatest of your grandsons and I’ll make use of him to destroy Narnia! I swear by my Master’s powers that I will!
“SHUT UP, WITCH” said the strongest voice ever heard “SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO YOUR DESERT LAND!”
Then, there were growlings and roarings and the the Great Roar made the black twister disappear.
Edward and Heleen looked around. There were ruins of something like a wood.
Oreius woke up and he looked very surprised.
“What happened here, children?” He said. But the children were curious about the light. They went toward the horse-shape was... and they couldn’t get near because the strong light around them. Then, they both realized that it wasn’t a horse at all...
“Sir” said Edward “You have my thanks but please, tell us who you are.”
The light was almost over and they could see the Greatest and Golden Lion.
“You know who I am, Son of Adam, but the true question is: Do you know who you are?”
Heleen, who was standing behind him, ran to the place where Aslan stood and she held him. Oreius seemed to be angry and he almost takes her away from the Lion, but the Lion said:
“Let the children come to me. For people like them my Country is and the Kingdom of Narnia.”
“Aslan” said Heleen “I was terribly scared... and I thought I wouldn’t meet you again! And I was really longing to see you again! Please, forgive I had bad thoughts about you, dear, I am sorry, I shouldn’t... would you forgive me?”
“Forgive about what?” Said he.
“Forgive what I’ve done! Did you forget it?” said Heleen surprised.
“Look, my daughter, when I forgive the mistakes of one person, I use to completely forget them. I don’t remember the mistakes of the people, that’s the secret of forgiveness.”
“Do you mean” said Heleen “You don’t remember what I’ve done?”
“I wish I could but that’s something that I can’t, dear one. And there’s no time to spare now.” Said Aslan very sweet. “Edward, we need to talk.”
“Yes, Sir” said Edward. He felt happy he found Aslan. “Tell me, Sir, what I am to do.”
“Your father is getting nearer and nearer of my kingdom. There shall be a fight against your father and the Pirates.”
“Can’t you help it, Sir?” Said Edward.
“Do something against the Deep Magic, Son?”
“Sorry, Sir. But...” he said in desapairing tones.
“I know it’s hard for you, my son. But you must let go the little boy and become a Man to protect my Kingdom. Now, you must go and prepare yourselves to the battle.”
“Must we?” said Heleen “Shall you come with us?”
“I’ll be always with you and my spirit and my breath shall be with you in the time you need them. But I shall not go with you now.” Then, he looked at Edward “My son, get the victory and I’ll be there for you.”
“I will, Sir. I promise.” said Edward “But how are we going to get at time? I’m sure we’re far away from Cair Paravel”
“Yes, sir” said Heleen “And I remember you told me we would meet you in a mountain.”
Aslan’s little growl made Heleen to feel ashamed.
“You mean, if we hadn’t stopped in the wood, we would had met you in the Mountain and you would have done something else? Something better than this? Would you? What would have happened? Oh, Aslan! Ain’t I to know?”
“I told once to the bravest Queen of Narnia that I’m not able to say what would have happened. That’s something that none of you must to know.”
“Right, Sir” said Edward “Thanks you saved us.”
“Yes, thanks for it again, Your Majesty” said Oreius.
“You’re welcome, my old and faithful friend.” Said Aslan kindly to the Centaur “Do stay with the Son of Adam, Oreius.”
“I say, how are we going to get there? I mean, Narnia.” Said Edward.
“On my breath, darling.” Said Aslan.
“What do you---” but in that right moment, the Lion blew them and they felt like flying away. They fell asleep and when they woke up, they were at Cair Paravel’s door.
Velkan’s army was in Narnia already. The land was very different of the Land of Telmar. It was like Heaven in Earth. The Velkan’s army was growing more everyday. He got to Telmar with 300 men and now, he had 20.000 men and more.
“You couldn’t kill them?” said Velkan to She “You couldn’t? You told me you would! He must be dead if I want to take Narnia!”
“Peace, Pirate” said She “I don’t know what kind of Magic they have. Is your son a sorcerer?”
“He’s not my son!” said Velkan furious.
“Yes, he is!” Said She.
“He’s an enemy and he’s not a sorcerer! He doesn’t even know reading, did you know it?!” Said Velkan.
“It doesn’t matter. I just want to know what kind of Magic they have.” Said She.
“None! Are we getting near of Edward?” said Velkan looking around.
“Yes, tomorrow we shall be in Cair Paravel.” She said the same words that her Master said longer ago.
“Tomorrow we will take Narnia forever.”
“I know. I’ll meet my son soon and then... we shall see. But now, we must prepare the army.” Said Velkan.

“I met Aslan!” exclaimed Edward to the criatures around a table, he was ruffled. “I know what to do now! We must fight for Narnia, that’s what he said.”
“But we can’t!” said a satyr “I’m sure there’s a few who will be with you in the fight.”
“Gentlemen, he told me we must get the victory!” Said Edward.
“Yes” said a Centaur, whose name was Jimb “but he didn’t say he would give us the victory, did he? ”
“Well” said Edward nervious “He didn’t. But I’m sure he will help us if we go and fight.”
“How can you?” asked a Dwarf “ Nobody knows if---”
“All right, that’s enough!” exclaimed Mr. Beaver, the same beaver who had helped Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy
“I can’t believe how you, beasts and criatures, have doubts about the power of The Great Lion! You know the way that He himself loves this country! You know the Great Sacrifice he has done for us and for our King, The Just. He did it because of Love. And now, he will save us because of Love too!”
“I’m sure the Beaver is right, Gentlemen!” said Dog, the Edward’s friend but the Beaver went on.
“And you know what, Edward? Its quite clear you’ve got inside of you the same Spirit of The High King, Peter The Magnificent. And I’m with you as the same way I was with him in His days in the Golden Age.”
“And I’m with you too, youngest one” said Dog. And every criature did the same thing.
“Let’s prepare ourselves now” said Edward “Because to get the Victory is not far away but it may be harder than you think.”
Edward was inside of a bedroom on Cair Paravel trying to dress his war clothes. but then, the door was opened and a familiar and kind face could be seen.
“Tumnus!” he exclaimed “What’re you doing here, my friend?”
“I need to talk to you. there’s something you need to know about our king.” Said the faun sitting on a bed. He looked very weak.
“Your king?” said Edward sitting besize him “But you don’t have a King yet.”
“Our future king, Son of Adam.” Said Tumnus. “The King shall be in battle. He’ll fight against the Pirate too..”
“But that’s impposible!” said Edward getting up violently. “Is there another Son of Adam? Shall I meet him?”
“Perhaps the King is in your army already, Sir.” Said Tumnus.
“You don’t think by any chance... I’m the king, do you?” He said a bit scared.
“No, no, no, the king has a weird name. Not Edward, actually. It’s another. A narnian or archenlander name.” Said the faun.
“How is it?” He said.
“I can not tell you, friend.” Said him but suddenly he began to cough a lot.
“You should rest, Tumnus. I will not fight knowing you’re in such a state.”
“Don’t worry about me. But, please, find the king. Find him, I know you’ll meet him in battle, I know. I’m sure.” Said Tumnus. Edward smiled and taking his sword with all his armor, which was no comfortable at all, he looked at Tumnus and tried to not weep.
“Umm---well---Tumnus: Thanks for being like a father. Yes, you’re more than a friend, you’re like my father. And thanks for each thing you’ve taught me. Thanks for each thing you told me to make me braver. I know I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and your... yes, your kind of love. Now I feel a man, not a boy anymore. Why, I can swear the time goes faster in Narnia!”
“It does, Ed.” Said Tumnus and both held tightly each other swearing to themselves they wouldn’t cry until Edward was out of the room. And they did...
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Edward walked along a corridor to the Great Hall. He knew that at the Great Hall the King Peter, the Magnificent, had been crowned by Aslan Himself only a bit less than a century ago.
“I wonder if he’s still alive in my land. I’d really like to meet someone like him.” He thought. While he walked he saw lots of pictures and paintings of the Pevensie children when they were growing. He smiled watching the Lucy’s smile at one of them. And the Peter’s peaceful face. And the Susan’s gentle face. And the Edmund’s mischievous face. But he realiced he had to get to the Hall soon. Something captured his attention, it was a picture of a fountain and under, there was written: Youth Fountain, where King Cor and Prince Corin earned the everlasting youth.”
He walked faster. The armor was making a loud noise and he tried to walk faster and faster. He knew he was nervious and tried to get peace. He sighed and looked at the Gates of the Great hall.
“They’re all waiting for me.” He said excited.
But he dared not to open the door and he realiced the door was opening itself in a Magical Way... his heart beated faster than before
He saw people not prepared to go at war yet but he saw people fighting in its own way: Dancing. With happiness. He expected to see the armies and everything. But he saw people, dryads, fauns, centaurs and talking Beasts very happy and very excited for they knew they were going to protect their beloved land. And How to defeat the evil but with happiness? Edward understood. All of them stared at him as soon he stooped at the floor of the Hall. They stared with a courageous face. They looked at him with honor and loyalty. All of them bowed down before Edward, the Son of Adam. All of them were ready to fight against the Evil in their land.
Heleen was among them, dancing before she realiced Edward was there. She stopped dancing and bowed down too. And Edward began to walk among them saying they should raise their legs, he wasn’t worthy of it. All stared at him... they saw he had the same Humble Spirit of Peter, the Maginificence. Heleen went toward him and smiled radiantly holding his hand. They needed not to say any word. Both knew what each other felt. But suddenly the Beaver when toward him touching his leg and saying:
“Off we go. The sooner, the better”
And Edward held Heleen tightly. He was afraid... he didn’t want to think he would never see her again. They didn’t know very well each other but it didn’t matter when you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with that person.
She held him tightly too. And tears ran around her face. Then, she put both of her hands on his shoulder and gave him the best brave face she could ever had done and said:
“For Narnia.”
“And For Aslan.” Answered Edward.
But her smile vanished, she looked so sad... Edward sighed and letting go her hands, he walked with the army out of Cair Paravel, while the people greeted to everyone. But he felt he needed something else... some braveness... some courage... and sudenly saw a vision of the Lion coming toward him, breathing upon him, kissing him with a Lion Kiss and he felt renewed and refreshed again.
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The march started. It was a long one. Edward was at the Head and he had the honor to go with Phillip, the old Edmund’s horse who was a very old aged horse but with a young spirit to fight. And the march was going and going, knowing not that they’d meet sooner the enemies they were looking for...

“Velkan, your son is coming near!” said She, the Lady of the Green Kirtle “He’s coming near! He’s a half way away from here!”
“What!” cried Velkan “He’s coming here... To me? I knew he’d give up.”
“I forgot to tell you... he’s coming with a huge army.” She said.
“Army? He pretends... Where the army came from?” He asked “Where did he get the army?”
“From Narnia, fool!” said She “I can not believe... how much people he got!”
“How many?” asked Velkan quite nervious.
“No more than your people.” Said She.
“You mean, should I fight?” Asked Velkan.
“Of course! It’s the only way you’ll teach him to have some respect for the King of the Land of Telmar.”
“You’re right!” said Velkan “You’re right! I have to fight...”
“Narnia is without a King.” Said She “And the Lord Protector is a Weak old Faun who’s gonna die in a few days. You may take it too... and you can make a whole huge Kingdom between Telmar and Narnia!”
“A new land, you mean?” asked Velkan “A land called like... Pherenie?”
“Pherenie, yes! The name you want! Then you can get Calormen and Archenland and the unknown lands here! And you’d get an empire!”
“I’d be an Emperor...” he said loving the idea.
“But you have to fight. You must kill your son as soon you meet him. The sooner the better. Now, go and prepare your army. And go... Emperor.”
Velkan’s face was adorned with a cruel smile... and he went to prepare the army...
“I think...” said Edward to himself. He felt constantly a deep voice inside of him saying something he couldn’t hear very well.
“We have to stop here!” he shouted to a centaur who had an horn. “We will stop here!” he said with authority. Up til then he had feel very insecure. And uncomfortable.
Oreius went beside him.
“I heard a voice in my mind, Oreius.” Said Edward to him. “It was the Aslan’s voice. We will stop here. We will fight in this camp. I know.”
Oreius looked behind himself and he sworn afterward he’d never seen people like that. Such brave people. Some Gryphons flew above them.
“I can see someone coming, Sir!” shouted one of them. But Edward was seeing him too.
Velkan was dressed in dreadful, cruel-looking clothes. But then, lots of People, humans like him were dressed with armors and weapons. Edward realiced they were much more than his own army. He feared for a second and he stared at his whole army. He wasn’t ashamed for showing the fear on his face. The people stared at each other fearing too... and Edward knew he had to be braver than them. They had to be strong and he had to be stronger. But the army was scary. All of their awful faces reminded Edward of the horrid fishes on water.
There was nobody there to encourage him. But he felt his Mother right beside him. He felt Tumnus right beside him. He felt Heleen right beside him. And, above all, he felt Aslan right beside him. Although a few tears ran around his face when he saw his father so full of hate, he tried to be cold. Because Velkan was his father after all. With no advise, he began to ride with his horse alone quickly. Now everyone didn’t understand anything. But he went to a disance he thought his father could hear his words.
“Father!” he cried hoping that his father would have mercy and would have some love for him “Velkan! It’s me! I’m Edward! I’m your son! Doesn’t it matter for you now?”
Velkan stood surprised. He saw Edward taller than before and more man-looking like. And he was more golden-haired. Narnia changed his physicla state. And Edward’s voice. All of it. Velkan couldn’t even recognise him. But he stood as cruel and cold as he could.
“I have no son!” He shouted loudly “I have enemies!” He looked at his people “Betrayers! And their blood shall be my gloryyyyyyy!!!!!!!!”
The whole army shouted with him. Edward got so sad.
“It was your decision then.” He said low to himself. He rode to his place again, beside Oreius. His face was changed. Now he had the face of a wounded man. Of someone who had been betrayed in the cruelest way. Of someone with pain and experience.
But there was no time for that now. Edward stared seriously to his people and his brave face showed humbleness. He drew his sword and his blue eyes seemed to be clearly full of courage. But he felt sorry for all those criatures who were going to give their lives for his father’s silliness. He didn’t have to say anything. He turned around and saw Oreius, a faithful friend. He kind of smiled at him. And that encouraged him. He felt the Lion’s kiss stronger than now. The army knew everything they had to know. A last tear fell from his eyes.
And he feared no more.
He looked at them and breathed deeply.
“For Aslaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” He shouted.

Velkan heard him and wondered who on earth Aslan was. But he thought Edward was going to run away. To escape. And he suddenly realiced that Edward was coming toward him when he saw his own men running away, the Edward’s spirit and courage made him feel afraid, he was scared of his own son! But Edward was still far away. And Velkan tried to think if he had to do something, to stay there thinking or if he had to wait until the two armies meet in the center of the Battle field.
Edward’s army was less than the Velkan’s but they were afraid. Very much. They saw all of their willing lives, all of their... happiness. Yes. All of them stared at the Edward’s army because... It was full of hope. And it was full of faith. And faithfulness. And loyalty. Something that didn’t exist in the Velkan’s language. Neither on his army’s.
And Velkan’s anger got on its top level when he saw that Edward was laughing with joy. He was enjoying himself because of something! But what? What? How could he? He shouldn’t be laughing if he was going to die... at least, Velkan thought that. When he turned around, he saw the reason...
Two golden-haired boys (They looked more like men) stood at the top of one of the hills near of the Battle Field. They were twins. They were very similar to each other. And lot of people stood behind them. Another army. Edward didn’t know them very well... he saw them once, in narnia. At Cair Paravel... but he couldn’t remember them very well. However, one of them (who looked younger than the other, who had a very grown up-looking face and you’d realice that he had a huge responsability on his life if you’d see him) was smiling challenger to Velkan. Both were with their armors.
“King Cor and Prince Corin!” said a Faun. Edward put a thankful expression and now, more hope came to him.
“Spirit of Peter, the Magnificent and King Edmund, the Just, come to me! Aslan! Are you with me?” asked in a loud voice. He knew Aslan was listening.
“Beyond death.” Answered a voice to him only a second before his army could face Velkan’s.
Coming back here, in England, holidays were going very slowly. But the days were sunny. Although Susan, Edmund and Lucy didn’t want to play outside the Professor’s house anymore, Peter decided he would go out just to get fresh air.
And then he got it. It was a familiar air, a soft, warm air.
He felt the air of Narnia. And Edmund felt it too, though he was inside of the house. He felt he had to run beside Peter at once. He felt something, some excitement but he didn’t know why. Neither Peter. But both of them were now standing up in the middle of the Garden, remembering some old battles. The Battle of Beruna. The battles against the Giants... battles and battles and battles... braveness was coming to them again.
“Ed, are you feeling the same?” Asked Peter.
“I can’t believe it! It’s like 8 months we’re out of Narnia and we feel this! Don’t you think... it’s weird?”
“Weird?” said Peter “It’s the queerest thing in the world! In this world, I mean. But I feel something in my heart... not in my little boy’s heart, it’s in my Narnian King Heart! My grown-up heart that I brought from Narnia to this place. I feel Narnia is in danger... we’re out of it.”
“Do you think we can try the Wardrobe again?” Said Edmund.
“No. I don’t think so. We’ll go back someday but I can’t believe... I see something, I don’t know if that’s my imagination.” said Peter.
“I can see something too!” exclaimed Edmund “I see a battle and there’s humans too! But they’re evil and, oh! Did you see that?”
“Yes!” said Peter “Cor and Corin! By Jove, they look older!”
“Just like how we looked like when we left Narnia, my King.” Said Edmund. And both began to talk in the way they had in Narnia.
“Wow, those kids grew up so quickly! Just imagine! In 8 months...” said Edmund very excited. And inside of him, he felt very proud for he loved very much Cor and Corin as if they were his younger, younger brothers.
“Well, My Royal and no evil brother, I was like 45 years old in Narnia and I’m fifteen again here. But look! There’s a man who will not give me good dreams tonight.” Said Peter.
“We can call the musicians to make you sleep, my king.” Said Edmund.
“That’s what I wish. But I’m afraid in this land called England there’s no musicians like the musicians in Narnia.” Said King Peter “But that man is... wild. A brute and a beast. Certainly, I can not make difference between the man and the wildest of all the poisoned beasts.”
“Certainly, King Peter. He looks no royal, High King. He looks like what we call a Pirate!” said King Edmund.
“Look, the army! I swear by my Throne that I’ve never seen an army braver than this one!” said King Peter.
“I feel I’m there! I can feel my sword!” said Edmund laughing like a lunatic.
“Me too, My royal friend, Me too! I can feel I’m fighting and I’m not moving at all!”
“If we shut the eyes of ours we’ll feel our spirits fighting and we can pretend we are fighting along them, protecting Narnia again!” Said Edmund.
“My Royal brother, this is going to be exciting enough without pretending because I can feel I’m fighting.” Said the High King.

Susan and Lucy were looking outside through the window how their brothers were talking peacefully but excited. Lucy smiled.
“Hey! Do you think we should go with them?” She said.
“I don’t know.” Said her sister “Why don’t you stay here with me and lets... lets do something useful. Lets read one of those books in the Professor’s library.”
“Oh, no! Please, no again! I did read those books...”
“Come on, Lucy!” said Susan “Those were fairy tales!”
“I read whatever I want.” She said coolly.
“What don’t you read things that can take you to reality? Why you read those silly fairy tales?” She asked.
“Because...” but she stopped.
“Why, Lucy?” asked Susan again.
“Because...” but she daren’t to say anything.
“Come on, tell me, are you coward?” she asked again. The poor Lucy felt with a huge pression. “Tell me, Lu!”
“Because it makes me feel near of Narnia.” Said Lucy rather awkward.
“Oh, That again!” she said “I thought we agreed we wouldn’t talk about that again.” Said Susan whispering.
“Oh, you forgot them, didn’t you? I’m sure you would because you’re so cold!” Cried Lucy.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” Said Susan.
“They would never forget you!” Said Lucy.
“Lucy, you need not start to...”
“Come on! Queen Susan! Queen Susan! There must be something---”
“All right, that’s enough. If you want to go out with the kids, fine. Go. Talk about that with them. But leave me alone now! I need to think!” said the Logical Susan.
“Yes, you’re always thinking but never really using your brain, and you’re a beast! Beast!” said Lucy and rushed out of the room.
“Corin, try to get them at the right, we must surround them!” shouted King Cor to his brother. Edward was fighting against Horrors but Oreius ran toward them and they rushed away. Velkan tried to catch Edward but he couldn’t. There were lots of Fauns and Centaurs that would never let him go near.
But suddenly a noise was heard. And Edward felt the presence he had felt in the Wood. In that Wood... he felt there was something up. As he turned round, he saw a woman with green light around her and lots of monsters, more like spirits and demons, with her. Everyone stopped. She stared at Velkan and then she stared at each one of the Narnians. The Narnians knew that those criatures couldn’t be defeat. And they feared.
“Go!” she shouted to the Demons. They rushed to the Narnians. But Edward tried to stay brave.
“Don’t be scared! Aslan’s with us! Defeat them, you can do it!”
“Men from Archendland, fight the death!” Shouted Corin.
“Criatures from Narnia!” shouted Edward “Fight for Aslaaaaaaaaaan!”
And they fought. But it was hard. And Edward saw how his friends were dying. A few of them. He tried to find Dog but he couldn’t, there was so much people.
“It’s the Boy who is protecting My Kingdom of Narnia now.” Said the High King, still beside his brother.
“I can see, no doubt, mylord.” Said Edmund “It is good. While we’re away, he’ll be protecting it.”
“We will return someday. The Professor told us. Once King of Narnia, Always King of Narnia. But meanwhile it’s good that his boy can give us some hand protecting Narnia.” Said Peter.
“I wonder if we can help him. You know, the woman that appeared with Demons doesn’t look very safe.” Said Edmund.
“Thou know about Magic.” Said Peter “And the dark one too. Thou hast been with a Witch, I’m sure that in all those years in Narnia thou hast learnt something. In the battles we’ve passed...”
“I used Magic for Justice, my brother.” Said Edmund “But what can we do? They can not see us.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Said Peter “Even if they don’t ever know we’ve helped them.”
“Really?” Asked Edmund.
“Of course! I’ll protect my Kingdom not for my glory but for theirs. I don’t care if they do not see us.” Said the High King.
“Praised be your humbleness, High King.” Said Edmund “And now let me think about something.”
“We should call to The King of Kings, the High King over all the Kings, who rules Narnia in his wisdom, who comes from Across the Sea.” Said the High King and while he spoke, brightness came into his eyes.
“Aslan.” Said both of them.
“What’s happening with Aslan?” asked a tiny voice behind them. They turned around and saw Lucy. But they were with all the Narnian Air and realiced she still looked like a girl.
“Queen Lucy, my royal sister.” Said Peter “Your brother and I are thinking about a way to save Narnia from a great danger.”
“King Peter, how can you know this?” she said and she was very excited to talk about Narnia again. Soon, the air of Narnia came to her body too and even Susan, who was looking at them from inside of the House, couldn’t recognise them. She wondered what on earth was happening.
“I can feel it, true Lady.” Said Peter “Just come between your brother and me and you’ll see what we’re seeing now.”
And Lucy stood up between Peter and Edmund and she saw all the mess and the war and everything. Now, the three (If it wasn’t because they were on England) would have sworn they were in the battle of Narnia.
“We should call Aslan.” Said King Edmund.
“We will.” Said Peter “But we need to find the way.”
“Oh, if Susan had her horn here, I’m sure he would come to Narnia with us!” Said Lucy. And you must notice she said “Come to Narnia” because they really felt they were at Narnia like before.
“All is at Cair Paravel.” Said High King “We need to find a way. The Beast- Man, the Pirate is going near of the Boy, of this kid I-Wish-I-Knew-His-Name and I’m afraid it’s going to kill him. That’s what I can see in his eyes.”
“Then, we have to think quickly.” Said Peter.
“I’ve been remembering these last weeks, my brothers, that Aslan only appears at Narnia when Narnia is in danger. So, we should trust he’ll be there soon.” Said Queen Lucy.
“We know, Sister, we all know.” Said King Edmund “But I’m afraid Aslan didn’t show signs and we have to do something. It’s our kingdom after all.”
“Aslan will appear if he feels they need him. If he feels we need him. Because those guys over there...” began to say the High King “I don’t think they remember even their own names! They’re not feeling they need Aslan.”
“But we’re just three.” Said Edmund.
“But Aslan said once to us: Even if two or three are together trusting in me, I’ll be among them.” said King Peter remembering and smiling “And we need to trust. Let’s hold hands, like we used to do it when we were children.”
Because they felt like grown ups again.
They held hands and shut their eyes and remembered all of their adventures and moments in Narnia and began to call Aslan with a voice deep inside of themselves. Silent first. Excitement. And Peter held Edmund’s hand and Edmund held Lucy’s and Lucy held Peter’s.
But suddenly Lucy and Edmund felt another hands holding theirs.
“Aslan, please, come and save us! Save Narnia!” Said Susan—Umm, sorry, now she was Queen Susan the Gentle. Now the four Brave, Gentle, Just and Magnificent kings and queens were holding hands. The four kings and queens of Narnia, on its aid. Like they promised.
And all of them felt that something was happening...
The Demons were killing too many people. Nobody knew how to defeat them and Prince Corin almost falls in their “traps”. But he was stronger and his Thunder Fist could take it away. He looked as happy and excited as if you were in the Land of Chocolate.
Susan started to throw stones on the air in the professor’s garden but yet, those stones didn’t fall on the grass, thus in Narnia, there was a rain of rocks for the cruel looking humans. And some were wounded by invisibles swords and dags and arrows, nobody knew where did they came from. But Edward felt, strangely, how four grown ups, two blond haired and two dark haired, stood always behind him, protecting him, and even if he turned around and see nothing, he still felt there was supernatural help, invisible help. And he even felt how a soft hand was around his shoulder, like supporting him.
Edward soon found himself alone, with no demon trying to catch him. But he saw his father was near. Velkan’s furious face was giving some kind of cruel and evil smile. He took his sword and Edward drew his own and both stood there, waiting for something.
“You look exactly like your mother.” Said Velkan. “All brave and all hopeful without reason... and future.”
“You won’t do to me as you’ve done with her!” shouted Edward very angry “You won’t!”
“You’ll be dead like her soon! You’ll see her soon, isn’t that very good for you?”
Edward stood silent.
“She’s dead, burning in Hell and you’ll be with her soon!” said Velkan. Edward got furious.
“I’ll be with her wherever she is! Because she’s at Heaven and I’ll go at Heaven too for I’m a helper of Narnia and a Protector of its justice!”
“You’re a dirty pig! You’re only a servant!” shouted Velkan.
“I am a Son of Lord Adam and Lady Eve! That’s enough to be worthy of some respect!” said Edward very wet.
“Respect is the last thing I’d give to you!” said Velkan “I’ll be a King and an Emperor and you can not stop me! You can’t!”
“Try me!”
And Edward rushed over him with his sword. It was a hard fight for both of them were very good swordman. But Edward was as good as a prince and Velkan was as good as a beast. A pirate and a prince fighting... one experienced... one in its first battle. But Edward had something special: The Spirit and the Narnian air that was surrounding in that very moment to the four kids at the Professor’s home. And he felt he could stop Velkan... but his hopes vanished when Velkan took away Edward’s sword and beated him on the face. Ed’s lips were full of blood and tried to stand up but his legs were almost broken.
Strangely he heard four voices that came in the wind that was blowing at his face.
“Come on, Boy! You can do this!” said a little tiny voice, which was Lucy’s.
“Try to take his sword and knock his head down.” Said a young man’s voice, which was Edmund’s.
“Do not kill him, just try to make him fall against a rock!” said another Lady’s voice, which was Susan’s.
And then, a deep voice which made him fight stronger than before:
“Fight, Son of Adam, Human in Narnia. Fight for my Kingdom, for I am Peter, the High King and we, Queens Lucy and Susan and King Edmund, are fighting beside you. Our strength is with you. Protect Narnia. Save it. Bring back what has been lost. Be faithful. Have hope. I am with you. It’s a promise.”
Edward got up without his sword and Velkan saw his anger. He feared for a short moment but Edward gave him no time to think. As soon he got up, he took away his father’s sword and Velkan tried to beat him again but Edward took his arm violently and pushed himself upon Velkan, who fell at the floor and had a huge Head-Knocking. He had a painful face and Edward got up before him.
“Shall you surrender?” he asked.
Ok, you might believe that Velkan said “Never” but the voice came from behind. It was She, the Lady of the Green Kirtle. And quite angry too.
“You will die, son of Adam! A Son of Adam will pay what the King Peter has done to my Master Jadis!”
And she took her wound. A green light was going to come from it but he heard a sound like a thunder. But it was sweet. And deep. And scary but beautiful and terrible. It was a roar.
“Aslan!” shouted Edward seeing how the Lion rushed to them and the Green Witch began to run for her life. And she ran and almost escaped when Aslan caught her and she stood before him all scared.
“Hello, Luzipher.” He said.
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And the Green Witch fainted. Aslan took her between both of his paws, made a huge and deep hole in the ground and threw the Witch on it. And the same he did with all of her followers, the demons and all the evil Velkan’s people. All of them went into the huge abism. And Edward stood looking at this while Velkan got up of the ground taking his sword and he was going to kill Edward when he felt a huge head-knocking on his head and fell fainted.
Edward turned round and Someone’s hand (For he could not see its face, it rushed away as soon Edward turned around) with a huge stone and then, he saw Velkan lied in the ground.
“He was going to kill you.” Said Corin, who got near of him.
“Oh, but...” said Edward all tired and wet.
“It is over and done.” Said Aslan coming and staring at all of the wounded people.
“Aslan, shall the narnians live again? Shall they go back Home?” Said Edward.
“My dear son,” said Aslan sweetfully “They are already at their Home, sharing a Huge Feast with my Father, the Emperor Across the Sea.”
Corin and Edward understood.
“Then, you’re the King of Narnia Now, Corin.” Said Edward.
“What’dye mean?” said Corin terrified.
“Mr. Tumnus told me I would meet another son of Adam here and he would be the King---”
“No, Edward, my friend.” Said Corin “I can’t be the Narnia’s King. I am a Prince. The Prince of Archenland... ” and he adeed in a funny voice “I have too much troubles just being a prince of one kingdom! Imagine how much more troubles I’d get being the King and Lord of two Kingdoms! ”
Edward and Corin laughed. They first saw Cor shaking hands with a few criatures from Narnia and then, they saw Aslan.
Aslan turned round his shaggy head beside himself and there was nothing to look at but however, he stood looking beyond it.

“Look!” said Queen Lucy excited “Your Majesties, Aslan himself is staring at us!”
“He noticed we’re here.” Said King Edmund.
“How beautiful he looks now.” Said Susan “And how bigger!”
But Peter just stood there, thinking and losing himself in the Aslan’s deep eyes. However, all of them felt he was saying something.
“You’re welcome.” Answered the High King Peter to Aslan. “And I hope to meet you soon too.”
Edward was talking with the Creatures at the Great Hall in Cair Paravel. They were very happy for the victory and Edward told them about the voices of the Kings and Queens from the past.
“They’re safe!” said Kingly “Those’re good news! We thought they were dead, didn’t we?”
“Yes.” said Oreius “It is good to know they’re alive in their own world and protecting us and remembering us.”
“But the time of their Reing is over now.” Said the Aslan’s voice behind them. When he turned around and they saw Aslan, the Dryads over there saw him too and all of the criatures. And all of those criatures called another criatures and another criatures and then, Cair Paravel was full of them in only few seconds. Everyone wanted to know about Aslan.
“Once King or Queen in Narnia” he said “Always King and Queen of Narnia. And they’ll be kings and queens forever but some other king has to come sometime.” Soon, Mr. Tumnus could go inside of the Great hall too, he was walking slowly and he had a crown in his hands.
“You mean, we’ll have our king?” said Kingly “When?”
“How does he call like?” Said Edward.
“His name is Caspian.” Said Aslan in a loud voice.
Everyone stared at Edward. Edward didn’t understand. He looked at Aslan.
“I need to talk to Edward alone. Please, Tumnus, come.” He said. Both of them, and Mr. Tumnus, went inside of a room and Edward stared at them surprised.
“Where is he?” He asked.
“My son.” Said Aslan almost laughing “You don’t know the meaning of the name, do you?”
“I never heard that name before, Sir,” said Edward “Tell me, please.”
“Caspian was the name of a Sea in your world, Caspian Sea, and that Sea’s name comes from a Sea-Criature, a king one in one of those old good Legends. A Wild and Strong one. From the Sea, I say.” Said Aslan.
“And why were they all staring at me?” Asked Edward.
“Because Caspian is a name in a strange and old language. But if you translate that name in your own language, it means---”
“Edward.” Said Mr. Tumnus smiling.
“What?” Said Edward.
“Son, Caspian turned into Easpion, in other languages it turned into Eadwior and finally, at your language: Caspian means Edward. I didn’t realice that before. You are a Sea-man, who has explored all the seas of your own world. You’re a navigator. You are part of the sea, of Caspian Sea. You are Caspian.” Said Tumnus.
“You mean...” began Edward.
“It means, my son, that your name is not Edward anymore. Your name is and shall be forever Caspian.” Said Aslan. But Edward stood thinking.
“Sir... how can you know I am your King? Do you have some proof?” Said Edward.
“You are in love with Heleen, aren’t you?” Asked Aslan. He smiled when he saw the Edward’s face growing red. “You don’t have to be ashamed for love. You should be shy if you weren’t loved.”
“What has that to do with this?” Said Edward.
“I told her something in the Land of Telmar before she met your father. I told her she would fall in love with the King Caspian. And she saw you, Edward.” Said Aslan “And she couldn’t understand up til today why she fell in love with you.”
“She loves me?” said Edward almost believing it.
“She does.” Said Aslan “And you’re young and brave. Both of you. Maybe you didn’t realice that the one who knocked down your father, before he was going to kill you in the war, was her.”
“I didn’t see it.” He said.
“She went to the war with you. She always protected you. But you didn’t see her. And she doesn’t know I’m telling you this... but she knows you’ll be the King now. So, be careful with the words you’ll say, my child, and with the actions you’ll have. Because, after all, she’s my beloved Daughter. And she’s special.”
“What do you mean with special?” said Edward.
“She did tell you about her mother, Binthia, a faithful woman who died in my name. But she didn’t tell you that her father was a fairy.”
“Fairy?” said Edward surprised.
“His father was a fairy. And she’s half fairy- half human. That’s why, in the name of my Father, your whole family shall have Magic blood.” Said Aslan. “But it shall have a curse too: Your father was a Telmarine. And you are his son. Your whole family shall be called Telmarine, my son.”
“Why? Can’t you change it?” said Edward.
“I won’t fight against the Deep Magic, my son.” Said Aslan.
“That means... I’ll be the king of Narnia?” Said Edward.
“Are you ready?” Said Aslan.
“No.” Answered Edward “Of course not. I’ll never be ready to love enough this country.”
“Then, you’ll be a king. Because the secret, you’ll see, is to try.”
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There’s only two more things left to say:
One is that Edward was crowned King. His name was Caspian, the First, the Pirate. And in Narnia ran all those fairy tales saying that once a pirate had become good and peaceful to the Narnian people. And how he had forgiven his father, who became in a very quiet man and very tongue-tied (Thanks goodness) and the legend says that Velkan never got out of his room again. Except to eat something.
Heleen was named Lady of the Great Court. And as soon she and Caspian had the mature ages, they married each other. We can all say they lived happily ever after, and humans started to live in Narnia, peacfully with the magical creatures. At least, for a long while. But things are not like that in reality... in Narnia. Two bad things happened: Velkan’s followers escaped and secretly they were trying to defeat Caspian’s reing. And the second is that the day Caspian was crowned, Mr. Tumnus felt too weak and he said he’d go to bed very early.
Caspian went with him and both talked and talked like old friends. And as soon Mr. Tumnus lied on bed, he felt he was going to die. And Caspian held his hand tightly, crying and feeling so sad for his poor friend, and kissed his hand and his face and promised that Mr. Tumnus, the faun Lord Protector of Narnia wouldn’t be forgotten. And the faun smiled humbly saying he didn’t wish that actually. The last thing he said, actually, and that Caspian remembers sweetfully the faun’s expression with those words was:
Once a King of Narnia, Always a King of Narnia.”

Caspian and Heleen had a son who called Miraz. Naahhh, kidding. They called their son Caspian, The Second.
I promise I’ll tell you about his story as soon as Aslan comes in another of my dreams with his deep eyes and sweet voice to tell that story to me first.
Another thing is that the Pevensie kids got very excited about all that. Since that day they begun to play with the Wardrobe pretending they’d got to Narnia again and how happy they’d be if it was real. They told the story of the Caspian’s battle to the Professor and he looked very happy. Soon, they met one of his dear friends, Mrs. Plummer.
Lucy liked her so much that she began to call her Aunt Polly. And Peter, Edmund and Susan refused to call her like that at first. But realicing she had no sons and nephews, they decided they would do it just to make her happy. But deep inside of them, they were doing it for the same reason as Lucy.

Ginebra Flower
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I really enjoyed the first bit, but I haven't finished this yet! :eek: Yes I know I read slowly, but I will finish!!! I can't say too much more till I have a fuller idea of the story, but I like what I read!:D