"Benji?" Ri called again. She ran upstairs and looked outside. "I'm sorry if I said anything." She called. She walked back downstairs. "I wonder if it was something I said." She said to Jackie as she sat down.
Matt grinned. "I wondered when you would say that. How about some pizza under the stars?" He asked hugging her.
"We practically grew up together. If I didn't know you by now I had my head in the clouds my entire life." Matt said. "I'll go grab that pizza. There's a pizza shop right around the corner then we can eat it out here. I have a blanket in my car. You want to go get it while I get the pizza?" He asked.
Matt came striding back with a pizza in one hand and soda and a blanket in the other. He gave Luna the Pizza and soda and spread the blanket on the ground. Then he sat next to Luna and grabbed a slice of pizza. "Yum." He said.
She giggle " Hm Matt you got something on your nose here let me hlep you," she told him, leaning over to help him then she fall over on his lap " Oops," she told him, rolling her eyes.
She sat up " Be nice I didn't mean to full," she told him, with sigh the kiss him back " This is yummy I wonder if you got something esle I don't know about do you?," she told him.