Seven books = seven movies?


New member
Question: do you think that all seven books will be recorded into movies in next years...???

LWW went really well, I think (and hope) that PC will to, but shall we see the The Last battle in the movie as well..??

What is your opinion?
Me too. They need to be sure to make the movies in order where the actors won't change their looks that much. Here is the order i think they should make it in.

1. LWW- (already completed)
2. Prince caspian
3. Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4. The silver chair
5. Last battle
6. Magician's Nephew
7. Horse and his boy

NOTE: Last battle comes before Magician's Nephew and HHB so the actors can stay the same.
I tell you what I'd like to see, if such a thing exists. The voice of C.S. Lewis reading an excerpt from one of his stories of Narnia.
i think they'll make all 7 movies, but i can't beleive i'm about to say this, but i don't think that t.H.a.H.B. should be made, and i think that they will and should make t.M.N. last!
lions mane said:
i think they'll make all 7 movies, but i can't beleive i'm about to say this, but i don't think that t.H.a.H.B. should be made, and i think that they will and should make t.M.N. last!
Of coase HHB should be made :mad: . The reason it wouldn't be made is lack of interest in doing the whole series, In which case they won't get pass SC.
TimmyofOz said:
Of coase HHB should be made :mad: . The reason it wouldn't be made is lack of interest in doing the whole series, In which case they won't get pass SC.
i just think that the story isn't that intresting, and it really has almost nothing to do with the rest of the books! that's why everytime i read the series i skip that one til last, and that's even if i read it.

sorry, didn't mean to get u upset.
Sorry but the subject line is unintentionally funny. For guys like me that remember the movie "Seven brides for seven brothers"... :D

All humor aside, I think it might be seven books = five movies or whatnot. Remember with the BBC series they combined Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader into one single episode.
well, we know they aren't combining those two. see, i think that given the popular belief that several years have gone by between SC and LB having the actors grow a few years wouldn't be a problem. I would rather go through SC and then do THAHB and MN. Have them touted as a 'the rest of the story' kind of idea. And then come back to LB with a little intro bit. After all, you can bet they'll expand a good deal on what the humans have been doing on earth since their last visit to Narnia which will reconnect people to the story. And you can't do LB before any others. Otherwise it makes no sense as to why Digory is in Narnia. I say keep in publication order. And the best way to guarantee them all being made is to go see them as they come out.
Stikll, we mustn't forget that actores can easily say NO to the next project, so that would be one of the reason... But I would love to see those actores who played "grown - up" Pevensie sibilings in The horse ... and The Last battle...They are very similar...I've reaf that girl who played Lucy as grown up is sister of Georgie (Lucy as young)...they do look a like...Susan actress as well, and Edmonds..Peter is so

Hey guys, since this is more about all of the possible movies that could be made, I'm gonna iMove this to Hunt for the White Stag.
I doubt they will go back and do Magicians Nephew and The Horse and His Boy. But I do hope they do The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, maybe The Silver Chair, and definetly The Last Battle.
I think it should be made, but it might be one of the later ones to be filmed. Since it doesn't have the child-Pevensies, then they can put it off. I personally love the HAHB's story, about the long-lost twins, the kings, the boys in battle, etc. Parts of it are really good. But the part with Aravis, the horses and the old man watching the battle.....that I could see getting rather dull........

I can't wait until the Last Battle!!!
it'll take them 14 years at this rate to get them all out. i can't wait that long! i'll be an ollld woman in my thirties by then! o.0 (no offense to the older members here)
to answer some of yur questions, i just never saw t.H.a.H.B. as being an intreseting story, i mean it's o.k. for what it was but it still didn't get me like all the other books. and i really don't like how it takes time during the golden age, it would be really confusing for fake narnia fans (fake narnia fans = people who never heard of or read the books and waited till they come/came out as movies, of corse, my own opinon). but i hope if they do decide to make it that they use the same actors who played the older pevensies.
I think they should made all the books into movies they are all great.
I'm most excited to see The Last Battle.