Share a Pic! III

Awesome pics everyone!

My kitty:
Aww, the kitty is so adorable! What is its name?

Mrs. P and Lady of the Lion's Mane are so gorgeous. Lovely young women.
Oh, thank you everyone. :eek:

I wasn't in a play, but very near one. It was my choir department's annual "Christmas Madrigal Celebration" where we dress up in Renaissance/Medieval clothes and sing Christmas songs, with many of them from those eras, with a skit in the middle. It lasts about two hours. :) It's so much fun. :D

What you don't see in the pics, though, is how I cried my eyes out on the last night of it. As a senior, it was my last one. I sobbed very badly. I don't cry very pretty. :eek:

And the kitty is very cute!
I have nieces (real ones, not pretended) who do that kind of madrigal show.

And yes, L-of-LM, you are a serious beauty.
Wow! Look at all that happened in one day!!!! I won't multi quote because it will be too long, but everyone is looking gorgeous here (the non-humans also look awesome).

I am not surprised at Laura's pictures. She is always that beautiful in all of them, and I mean ALL (and I've seen a bunch).

Powl' I don't think you will ever stop being so adorable.

Angela, Nightfire, and L of LM, you are all wonderful young ladies and you look happy. I will pray that God will give you more blessings to add to the one of beauty.

CF and LC, It was great that you got to meet. Where was that meeting? It's ok if you can't say it.
You both look great. When I grow up I want to have a beard like that.;)
Aw, you look beautiful! And your deadly pale skin is lovely, like Snow White. :)

All the girls on TDL seem very lovely. The boys don't post their pictures as much ... wonder if they are ... as lovely? Well, we know CF is, and I've seen a picture of BK, too, both handsome guys.
This is one of me when I was, probably around 3 or 4. I know I'm cute. :D *and yes, my hair WAS that blonde in real life*
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