Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites III

I don't know, but go to your CP and click on Social groups, and then search, and then put in the name, and add it, ok....hahahahahahahahhaa :D

I subscribed to it. Thanks for creating the group, Ange.

Also, I'm eating a container of Cottage Cheese. I must be PMSing:rolleyes:
We can make a quick vote:

Moonbeam 10
Creepster the Cat* 10
Pawn Slanders 10
The Beast 10
Claw Slanders 10
Puss In Boots** 10
Moonlight (suggested by Ash) 10

*BEWARE: Name suggested by a slandernite
**Abomination: that is the name of Skandar's two cats
Claw +1
Puss -1

Moonbeam 10
Creepster the Cat* 10
Pawn Slanders 10
The Beast 10
Claw Slanders 11
Puss In Boots** 9
Moonlight (suggested by Ash) 10
I will put my vote for Claw Slanders :p

And now I have to get off. I have a massive headache and my computer's battery is getting low. :(
Goodnight girls!
Beast + 1
Puss -1

Moonbeam 10
Creepster the Cat* 10
Pawn Slanders 10
The Beast 11
Claw Slanders 12
Puss In Boots** 8
Moonlight (suggested by Ash) 10

EDIT: Mars voted for Claw Slanders so I added one to that name, making it 12!