Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

Ahhh I thought so. And that's gotta suck. Alergies are horrible. I am also alergic to oranges lol. They make me go VERY hyper.

Then I will pelt you all with apples and pears, instead.

*resurfaces, holding Skandar and his chair* Thank you for all your help, merpeople!
*Kells and mermaids push Skandar and his chair onto the riverbank*
*Kells taps on celebrating Toilet PaperB'nite's shoulder*
Um.... Party's a little premature...

Guess who has chewing gum? Gobs and gobs and gobs of chewing gum!

*Skandarnites start chewing gum to make it nice and sticky, and add it to the arsenal*
Maybe we should lay traps for the PaperB'nites? Get them stuck to the ground, unable to fight for their precious paper boy!
*steals history book from Kevin and scribbles "Skandar rules" across the cover*
The cliffs notes version of the history book!