Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

We have to love our enemies. Because they're fun to defeat. ;)

OH! By the way, Tiff says "Tell my fellow PaperB'nites that though I may not physically be in front of a computer, I'm with them in spirit."

There! I said it! :D
Hmm...I have a new paperboy....See?


*sighs* My fave Vampire from Cirque Du Freak, Larten Crepsley...<3
*sighs* Yes, Gerard Way is still basically my paperboy, but Larten is so irresistably attractive in that drawing...and how I imagine him when I read CDF...I loooovvveee Larten...

Too bad he dies in book 9...

Waaaaayyy too bad he's portrayed by a fat and ugly actor named John C. Reilly in the upcoming Cirque Du Freak movie...

Poor Gavvy (Gavner Purl) is portrayed by Willem Dafoe, another ugly actor. Willem Dafoe woulda made a good Larten, a better one than John C. Reilly, but he's nothing like my idea of Larten, which would be the picture I posted.

The Cirque Du Freak movie should be made an anime instead cause then there would be no unhappy fangirls...:p
He IS pretty dreamy. 'Cept for his red eyes. :D Sometimes (I have no idea why) I fall in love with comic book or cartoon characters. Remember that one black haired dude from Meet the Robinsons? I like him. And then there's this one guy faerie who's really cute. It's weird.

OK, let's get this show on the road!!!! *throws bottle of tanning lotion at Paperb'nites*