Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

I don't want you all thinking I've gone soft. I just haven't been around because it is incredibly hard to post. I keep getting the server busy message. So just because I'm not around doesn't mean I've given up.
*dramatic Scarlett O'Hara - esque head toss* How are we to ever defeat those filthy PaperB'nites if we cannot get online regularly?
ohh ohh the garden is dead :)

comes in looks at the garden she planted even among the fighting between the skandarnites and the paper-nites, ohh my goodness sakes the garden is dry and whithering :( gets her elephant canister filled with water and pours water all over the garden, sneaks quietly out the door before anyone sees her :)
We need to pick up the fighting and the trash talking people!

Stupid server is getting in the way of us doing that! :mad:

*watches video Ash posted*

*thinks Skandar's voice sounds kinda sexy*
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