Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

Alright! I got it! The picture that no Toilet-PaperB'nite can argue with!


I saw it on ~Rogue~'s signature, and knew it was the perfect ammo. Skandar in the Narnia Fans Beanie!

Whatevs :p

*throws a newspaper at Skadar's face* Bmuahahaha
comes with more plants among the fighters :)

comes in with a big huge pile of peppermint & spearmint plants, noitices that people are still fighting, dumps the whole pile of plants on the nearly dry graden that is dryeing up, gets her elephant shaped water canister and waters the garden, flys out of the room at angelic speed phewwwwwwwww glad i found my angel wings
^Thats an awesome site :D If you google Chuck Norris, its the first one that comes up :p

"Whoever said "only the good die young" was probably in Chuck Norris's kindergarten class."
