
haha yay! you rock too. i think you're the coolest one i've met on this sight so far... hey have you sent me a provate message before about my pics? i think you have! thats so cool! haha i made a photbucket of them. but i need to upload like 4 more... haven't gotten to it haha
oooh ok! i got it. and umm do you know what a photobucket is? if you don't it's like an uploading site so you can upload your pics and other people can go see them. mine is
i think thats right, i typed that myself so i might of messed up. and i'm elizabeth, i live in maryland. how about you? whats your name (and state)?
haha i love saying confoosed instead of confused. when you don't accent the "u" or whatever you do to make it sound like confoosed. haha, and what did i spell right? o well.... haha
that's cool. i've never been to oklahoma. i've never been out of the US either, and i would loooove to go to england. it would be sooo cool! and i would have a slim (very slim) chance of seeing skandar! but i doubt that will happen till i have a family of my own.... aka, a long time, haha. then he'll be like old too, haha
SKEM said:
that's cool. i've never been to oklahoma. i've never been out of the US either, and i would loooove to go to england. it would be sooo cool! and i would have a slim (very slim) chance of seeing skandar! but i doubt that will happen till i have a family of my own.... aka, a long time, haha. then he'll be like old too, haha

Right on I'll go with ya!!!
haha. more randomness! yay! well the only reason i know i have that many is cause i save them numbered

well unfortunatly i must go eat dinner, but i might be back on tonight, and if not than definitely tomorrow. bye ashley! you're really cool!
i LoVe SKANdar kEyNeS

SKEM said:
oooh ok! i got it. and umm do you know what a photobucket is? if you don't it's like an uploading site so you can upload your pics and other people can go see them. mine is
i think thats right, i typed that myself so i might of messed up. and i'm elizabeth, i live in maryland. how about you? whats your name (and state)?
my name is debanny i'am from texas i really need 2 know how do i put pics from skandar??i have lots of him but i can't put them!! :confused:
I lOvE skAnDaR kEyneS!1!HE IS rEAlly cuteee!!