
ok, well you can't get pics on that site cause that's my photobucket account, but you can go to and join and upload your pics there

ok bye people!
hey i'm back! and i can see you're still on! hey i have a question. since you live in oklahoma, is it like 7:45 (around then) right now? cause here it's around 9:45 haha
just wondering about the time difference. i guess it's only an hour. i thought it was 2
hahaha ya i noticed. we ordered a pizza (yum yum in my tum tum haha) and it was veryyyy good haha :D
normal cheese, whatever kind they use haha. and sure.... what did i help you with again?
I love football and hate trying on clothes even though I'm a girl. weird I know. I'm in the band and play the clarinet. puppies are cute like skandar.
well i love clothes, just not trying them on unless im at the mall with my friends. i hate when my mom buys me stuff when i'm at school and makes me try it on..... 3 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! MERRY MERRY!! :D yay
and i play the flute, and soccer, and im glad that i'm not on break from school *phew* and i looove milkduds
SKEM said:
well i love clothes, just not trying them on unless im at the mall with my friends. i hate when my mom buys me stuff when i'm at school and makes me try it on..... 3 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! MERRY MERRY!! :D yay

Yes Yes Yes...I knew that liking chocolately chocolateness of goodness would come in handy!!!! 3 more days til CHRISTMAS!!!! Cherry limade rules!
and i love pickles! well not true.... not all pickles, just certain kinds (dunno what they're called). and video games are cool, but they get frustrating..... haha