
I know many people say it to mean stupid or something, but really it shouldn't be used as an insult. It's just a disability, that should have the same respect as other illnesses. Same goes with Gay. ( I will refrain from saying my beliefs on Homosexuals and Transvestites because this is a VERY religious forum and it wouldn't be wise what-so-ever)
Chocolate is Medicine for me. If I'm having a really bad day, I'll ride down to Walgreens and get a jumbo Hershey's bar of chocolate, then eat it while I play violent video games. Like Medal of Honor, or NFL Blitz. Mostly gory war games though. :D
If it wasn't for chocolate, I would be a very sad person. So would one of my friends :(. But thankfully there was some smart person who invented chocolate so we could all be happy!!! I feel bad for those poor peoples who are allergic to chocolate.
ya me too :(
you know i think i've heard before that chocolate has some chemical in it that makes you happy-- that's why everyone loves it... i dunno i just think i've heard that before...