
I can't stand those infomercials that are like "buy this product now for 19.95, but wait there's more. If you call within the next five minutes, we'll also include this product, a forty dollar value for free! But wait, mention so-and-so and we'll double your order. That's right, call within the next five minutes and mention so-and-so and we'll not only double your order, a $20 value, but also send you this wonderful gismo, a $40 value, all for just $19.95. Call now"
those things those commercials are selling are things you'll use, oh, twice in your lifetime, and then they will be put in the junk drawer! now that's a waste of money, you could be using to go see Narnia! :D
^^ Exactly!!! Once I saw this commercial for "the Ab lounge" It was so stinkin long that it took up the whole commercial time!! And after that on the next commercial, they were talking about "The Ionic Breeze" and it was twice as long! GOSH!

And I agree with you sig! Short girls totally rule! People just make fun of us because they are jealous that we are cuter (sp?) then them.
im here soz hun i was just checking on something!

So what we atlking about? Woo when we started this thread there were barely any post, now look at it! o yer i fogot this is the chat place now!