
i haven't had one of those in a long time but i loooooooooooooove them

and btw to thos other Carolinians here

uhh! at least you can get on before school!!!! ugg i'm tired toooooo... i couldn't sleep last night... then my stupid alarm is soo annoying! loud and i'm just like "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" grr at alarm...

ok i'm better now :D
so how is everyone?
I have no use for my alarm cuz I still wake up like 10 minutes before it goes of or it takes me 5 min. to realize that it has gone off! I'm so retarded when I'm sleep!
hahaha... aren't we all? well my old alarm was the radio, and i would always be dreaming that someone was talking and then they would just start saying what was on the radio... allthough i'd prefer that over my new one :(
haha oh welllll
haha. i don't watch that show-- my friends are OBSESSED with it!!!! like i'm not even kidding. it's all they talk about! grrrr it gets so annoying (but jess is hot haha-- not as hot as skandar though)... so what's up with you guys?