
This came up on the Skandarnites thread awhile ago (and is completely random) but I'm still wondering about it. Can any British person (or anyone who knows) explain their school system to me? I have it explained it bits and pieces but I'm still confused.

I'm in Grade 9 (I'm 14) in the US. Where would I be in England?
Quite frankly, I don't really know. It's all random here.

Hey, I just realized I'm only 7 posts away from 100. I feel special now. Although I guess it will be 6 after I press Post Quick Reply.
I have 100 now!!! Yea!!! This is a big moment, I've never gotten 100 posts on any forum before. I need something to celebrate with... Anyone have any hot chocolate? That would taste really good right about now...
haha i have no idea how many i have... 237 maybe? around there? i dunno... i'll find out when i submit this reply...
oh sorry. i haven't been on this thread in a while cause everyone seemed to have left... but i'm posting now :D

and yay for you, nat. you now have 543 posts!!