
My brother & I have a really dumb bet. 5 gummy worms! I think the seahawks are gonna win the Super Bowl, he thinks the Stealers will. ( its dumb because I don't know anything about football)
hey guys! omg i haven't been on in ages!!! so what have you bad little naughties all been up to? haha that was weeeird. tee hee... i missed you guys! and duh my fellow skandarteers!!
True_Narnian_Griffin said:
It was a good game, how about those commercials? I liked the fed-x one and this other one. I don't know what it was about, but it was funny!
ooh ooh! i liked the magic fridge, and the guy that hid the beer in the office, the "don't judge too quickly" ones haha. they were good (all of them)
Hey guys, have you ever been super nervouse about something that you have to do in front of a bunch of people? If so tell me what you did and how you stopped being nervous! I NEED HELP!
um...i goof and then they start laughing and then you start laughing and repeat until your hyper and then you will be un nervous