
I"m No Longer A Junior Member!!!!!! And I Feel So Happy That The Post That Made Me A Member Was A Bunny/rabbit Related Post!!!!!!! I Now Feel A Great Accomplishment!!!!!!
dumdee whomp haha w00tw00t choo choo chugga chugga go horsey go we need more noodles and so im gonna go grind corn now ou go pick the strawberries because the sky is not blue and we all have purple hair and the string has come back to tie itself to the chair so that i do not die oh string so loyal oh so loyal come on chair bring it on just dont kill my duckie or i shall have revenge with my lilies and the frogs will come to my aid if i blast this airhorn and so i need you to push that button for me oh thanks so much that was good i needed that oh and thank you for the popsicles the blasted the cookies to me and then i got in an airballoon and flew away forever
Magician's Horse said:
How do you actually make an avatar? I've always wondered that and never figured that out. Someone please tell me.
i just made mine by taking a picture onto paint, and making it smaller until it's 80x80 pixels, then i can add text if i want
Phoenix_Sedai_23 said:
I like cheese!! It is good! What is your favorite type? Mine is cheddar and that kind that is like cheddar and mozzerala mixed together. Something Jack? :confused: Yummy!! :D

pepper jack, i think...ummm i luv fried stuff...mmmm...