
i like bacon... and coke--although i'm more of a regular coke girl, not really into diet. it tastes weird to me. but coke and bacon work for me!
isn't cawinkydink like the bestest word ever? i just used it yesterday for like the first time in a while and i come on here, and THERE IT IS! what a... cawinkydink!!!
SKEM said:
i like bacon... and coke--although i'm more of a regular coke girl, not really into diet. it tastes weird to me. but coke and bacon work for me!
isn't cawinkydink like the bestest word ever? i just used it yesterday for like the first time in a while and i come on here, and THERE IT IS! what a... cawinkydink!!!
what about diet coke w/bacon!

"i have jello in my pocket"- My good frriend
Reepicheepfan said:
I like resolve...its very descive...*hahahahaha..haha..ha...*come on guys laugh with me!
MWA HA HA HA HA HA ha... what are we laughing about? Oh yeah, it doesn't matter when we are on SKEM!!! YAY! MUA HA HA HA HA HA *continues to laugh*