
yeah we can never find good bathing suits to fit us well atleast i can't and we don't have that much money to spend on one so i can't go to a store that just sells swimming stuff
yeah unless they have a brother but i never swim at my friend's house and it doesn't even look like we are friends anymore cause she keeps making excuses for not coming over
all of you stop it!!!!! Steph, Rachel, and NQ (sorry i dont know you real name :eek: )...i know Steph and Rachel aren't fat and im sure you,NQ, arent either!!!!!
Narnia_Queen said:
me mum bought tons of fruit today so hopefully i will eat an apple instead of ice cream tonight
mmm fruit i love fruit!!! ooh you should try the V8 peach mango juice!!!! it is so yummy and healthy at the same time!!!!! :D i love it!! i drink it al the time!!!!