So...Who's On Now XII

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yeah for oldest children! (only oldest children understand how under appreciated we are. we are called "bossy" and "mean" and yet we think of ourselves as the protectors of the younger siblings and responsible, though not in an evident way, to see for their well being. i have a oldest child friend, we discuss this subject alot lol)
Most of my friends aren't oldest children lol! But yeah I def agree. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't the oldest. BUT we get to do everything first....BUT we also set the expectations for our younger siblings.....
yes, and we are also the guinnie pig kids though. the parents try out all their parenting skills out on us and only use the ones that seem to work on the youngers lol
yes. there is. such is life (obviously). :rolleyes:

haha we were disrupting the "dance party" below (we live on a hill sorta in the country part of town so all of our neighbors are below us and not all that close). we tried to blast "the call" and "held" from my laptop and then scream the lyrics along. they seemed to pay attention for awhile but have now restarted their music lol
haha actually, it and held are two of the three songs that are on my lapy at the moment (the other is me and my friend singing "what the Lord has done in me" for special music). i havent taken the time to put anything else on and deleted the songs that came with my comp:p
i personally dont like timezones all that much haha. wow time flys. soon i must go to uni. summer is almost over...:rolleyes:
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