Spare Oomian
New member
*walks in importantly* I have arrived.

Hey Rachel. What's up?Hi, Oomy! Hi, Frodosgurl! (idk your name, yet.)
LOL That's fun.Tired.....
The people that were there before me and this boy stayed a few extra minute to joke with us....
mainly because I couldn't find my name tag.
Thanks.^sorry to hear that.hope you feel better.
I feel weird. (see 'mood' thread if you must know.) ^_^
feels like Summer is slipping through my fingers....
Hey Cera.*enters grandly*
Hi, Cera!
Actually, it's not just Summer. It's Time in general. Sometimes it makes me cry. Time goes by so fast. Our time here is so short. The brevity of life is staring me in the face. I feel frozen, stuck, motionless. "I feel helpless, sleeping at best..."
I feel frozen, unable to move. Unable to act on any of the ideas and dreams and hopes burning within me. gah. ;_;
*enters singing "ego you"*