So...Who's On Now XV

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Hello there, I had to split the thread since they're supposed to be split every 2000 posts and it had gone above 3000. Sorry for any confusion.

How are yall?
I'm doing ok. Tired, but hanging in there. How are you?

(don't forget to type out your words in here like you would in the chat dear one)
Have yall started school again? I'm getting used to having a kindergartner in the house now. It's amazing how fast little ones grow!
Slang is one thing within reason. Text or chat speak is usually greatly discouraged. LOL, BRB, and ROFL are generally permitted, but try as much as possible to type out whatever it is you're saying. It's easier to read for one, and it's less frustrating to others who are trying to figure out what you're saying. Some things are obvious, but some things are not so much. I know a few mods who hold text speak as a pet peeve and they'd come down on it much harder than I would. I believe it's in the forum guidelines somewhere.

Sorry Abby. Enjoy your last bit of summer. Play some for me while you're at it.
I'm thinking about things right now I been busy with my family who came to town and they bought us stuff and payed our food.

Sis: I'm doing all right I think.
*hugs julie dear*

im doing pretty good. :D

yes, katey, im getting past the really nervous part and starting to get excited. in freshmen experience, i get to learn to square dance!!!:D
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