So...Who's On Now XV

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Awesome!!!! I'm glad the nervousness has gotten better. Enjoy your year! Just think you're almost done school!!!! I still have four years..LOL
lol i still have four years!!:eek:

LOL.....I dont think I'm gonna go to a four year college....I know right now I couldn't stay away from my family and friends.....I already said I might wait a year when I finish school before I go anyway because of me being only 17 when I finish.
*hugs hannah*

yah well dont make to concrete of plans just yet, you have alot of years yet to think about it;)
I'm so glad that you found a new church Hannah! What kind of church is it?

I'm glad you're having fun in school Fernie! I hope that things will get better and better for ya! Square dancing? Sounds fun. I wish I could join ya for it.
I'm stay home from Tae Kwon Do today I been going everywhere with my family I need to relex. I'm going back to College next Tuesday :[
haha i'm wishing whoever teaches us to square dance good luck! lol

whats been up for you, Julie?
it's Baptist I'm not use to going to that kind of chruch I been going to a chruch I don't know what's it called though but all I know is that it's not cathlac or Baptist(sp)
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I'm still working on getting my world de-cluttered. I've made progress and it's awesome! There's still a ton to do. Also, my pastor had surgery a week ago, and being the assistant pastor that meant stepping up. I had to preach last Sunday night and it went well overall. Then the worship leader and I are working on stuff for the Christmas play and kids worship team as well as the back to school party for next Sunday. Lots to do.

Do you mean Baptist?
ahhh cleaning. fun stuff!
glad to hear your sermon went well! good luck with the prep for the Christmas play!:D
one of the funnest childrens' christmas plays i remember was "Santa Bowed at Christmas"
I'm hoping this one will turn out ok. We found a cute skit and we wanted to extend it, so we're working on doing that. I hope it goes well. The play lends itself to telling about Santa not being real though so we're needing to rethink that some. I don't think it's horrid to say that, but for a play, maybe some parents wouldn't like that at all if their kids still believe in we'll try to avoid that subject if possible. It should still end up being cute I think. I hope anyway.

Don't worry Hannah, I can't spell well most days. *Hugs*
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