So...Who's On Now XVI

Me too! Except for the alone part. I am joined by my mother. And some cold pizza. :D WHOA I hadn't realized all of the typos I had on that previous post I just made. Sorry 'bout that. I'm gonna tell Cera to get on TDL. :cool:
That's fine about the typos. I do it all the time. I've gone back before and read posts that I had posted on TDL and I'm like, I totally felt of an "ing" or something :p
Haha! Okay!
Well, that's me in real life. Always falling down :D

I'm okay. Pretty good at the moment. But my dad is working downstairs and keeps unplugging the phone line, so I keep getting kicked offline :(
The family computer that I'm usually on (that works the best), is dead. So I'm on my laptop. And I hate it. There's no color TDL everything is WHITE! Except for the text, which is ALWAYS black :(
I hate using mine 'cause the internet's slow...... VERY slow. Plus our charger doesn't work for the laptop very well. It works when it wants to and that's it. :( so... yeah.
I don't have any plans. I'll probably just be on TDL on and off all day and night.

Yep, I'm still on. Hey Kaori!

*Random Q* Do any of you watch American Idol? I have a small obsession :p