So...Who's On Now XVI

Okay, I'm pretty sure its Arkansas though! :D (I was hoping you'd confirm my southern Illinois theory, because thats where I'm going to

We havent lost power yet! Two years ago we lost power for three days in an ice storm and we were freezing!
Okay, I'm pretty sure its Arkansas though! :D (I was hoping you'd confirm my southern Illinois theory, because thats where I'm going to

We havent lost power yet! Two years ago we lost power for three days in an ice storm and we were freezing!

That would be soooo cool if I lived in in Ill. We would have to meet up somewhere!

3 days??? Oh my gosh! That would be horrible. The longest today we've been with out power, was about 2 hours.
Not much. Done school today (that's the bad thing about being homeschool, when there is snow or ice I still have work to do.) Been studying for my ACT *shudders*

What about you?

EDIT: :( I have to go! It was good talking to ya . . . even though it was short! TTYL!
I remember that power outage! Except we got a generator, so we had power. But our neighborhood was out for about 4 days.

Snow day today!!! And probably tomorrow too, since we're supposed to get 7 more inches of snow!
Hey--I took a break for at least...5 minutes at 4:00 p.m.
Shopping smopping!
*ran out of smilies* How can anyone not love The Fray!?!?!?! =P=D

lol! Don't you have any homework, young man? (Like I can talk..i never have homework. lol.) (Instant messaging is getting to me. I keep saying lol all the time. lol) (lol) :)|)

I'm sorrrrry... i just think they're kind of annoying. *braces self for Kevin to throw oranges at me*

As always, I'm on! :)

lol! Don't you have any homework, young man? (Like I can talk..i never have homework. lol.) (Instant messaging is getting to me. I keep saying lol all the time. lol) (lol) :)|)

I'm sorrrrry... i just think they're kind of annoying. *braces self for Kevin to throw oranges at me*
Nope, not a bit! :p ROFL! Thats gotta be a record for most uses of "lol" in a paragraph. :p

:eek: Why do you think they're annoying?