So...Who's On Now XVI

Aww thats a shame. I hate it when that happens :/
Yes! To finnaly officaly meet rather then judt read your posts lol. :) Nice to meet you too Amy.
me too, especially since I've been having to wake up at 5:30 everyday and was hoping to sleep in some...which I guess I did, but not as much as I hoped. :rolleyes:

I know, right? After two years of posting it's about time. :p sorry it took so long. lol (I was too scared of the Willianites except for tf. :p j/k.....I was scared of the thread. lol!)
That is pants.

Lol! I know what you mean. I only really talked to Mya(TF) and no one else. They are wuite scary and know each other realy well lol.
That is pants.

Lol! I know what you mean. I only really talked to Mya(TF) and no one else. They are quite scary and know each other realy well lol.

lol. yeah mya's my twin. T_T darn her for not being on the computer more. :rolleyes: yeah....I came to TDL amidst the whole "Willianites against Skandarnites" scare me....well, Skandarnites more than Willianites because I'm friends with a few, but...still...>.>....

Loll! Awwww so cute. And yes it is a shame. She used to be online all the time.
Lol yeh. And the whole maniac stalking thing scares me as well lol.
lol. yeah mya's my twin. T_T darn her for not being on the computer more. :rolleyes: yeah....I came to TDL amidst the whole "Willianites against Skandarnites" scare me....well, Skandarnites more than Willianites because I'm friends with a few, but...still...>.>....


howdy! Call me Kayla. :)
Loll! Awwww so cute. And yes it is a shame. She used to be online all the time.
Lol yeh. And the whole maniac stalking thing scares me as well lol.

:rolleyes: why does everyone call me that? >.>...but yeah, we share the same three letters in our name (Amy, Mya), we have the same birthday and's kinda freaky..0.o..
AHA!!! so you admit to stalking!!! *points to your siggy*

K. What's up, Kayla?
Wow that is creepy! And quite cool lol.
I don't stalk perse I just watch from afar :p naw. I could if I wanted too. It whoulden't take that long to get to Glouster but I don't fancy getting arrested lol.
Lol! Yeah...that'd be a bad rep for Willianites...ahahha, although..hmm....*pictures headlines*!!!! ah man, so funny...ah..sorry if it looks like always takes me a while to wake up when I don't have to go to school. :p