So...Who's On Now XVI

....for me it's "looney years"....:rolleyes:...I didn't say that. :p so what do you do sami? like...are you in college or your version of high school...
I go to secondry school technecaly. I am 17 so I could go to collage but I go to 6th form instead which is in the secondry school. Dose that make sence?

I go to secondry school technecaly. I am 17 so I could go to collage but I go to 6th form instead which is in the secondry school. Dose that make sence?


lol...sure.....0.o...I believe you anyhow. haha

I'm in culinary school for Baking and Pastry. I'm going to be a pastry chef. yep. ^_^
Niiiiiiiice. *nods and bobs head slowly*.......I love being a bobble head in slow0no. it's so much fun and it weird pople out. :p lol *is still doing it while typing*...
Lol! I know what you mean! I was at a party tonight which is why I am on so late and I was just randomly standing still and then suddenly danceing. The firends I was with kept on trying too disown me lol.