So...Who's On Now XVI

my friends are in rock's kinda like classic, indie rock. they are really good. they just got through playing in vegas. and my other friends band played on the conan 0'brian show a few weeks ago. that explains it....*is bad at bowling* I don't have to THINK "I am the ball"...I ALREADY AM the ball..0.o....whoa...

And that's awesome! I'm glad your friends bands are doing well.
artificial intelligence. :D :p LOL! *has naturally red hair*

ok. there's a mirror in a hardware store that can grant wishes if you say something that is completely true; if you don't you disappear. a brunette walks up to the mirror and says "I think I am the prettiest person in this store." and she disappears. a redhead walks up to the mirror and goes "I think I am the smartest person in this store." and disappears. a blond walks up to the mirror and goes "I think-" she disappears. LOL!...sorry...bored. :rolleyes:
yaaaaaaaaa put your RIGHT FOOT IN! ya put your RIGHT FOOT OUT! you do the hokey pokey and you shake it all about. :p gah....I don't miss this song and I'm glad. lol