So...Who's On Now XVI

It was! I was the only person other than the pilot. And there were rats everywhere! :eek:

Working on my story, listening to music. The usual.
Yes, instead I had rats crawling all over me. And you want to hear the worst part? I accidentally fell asleep for a few hours and when I woke up there was a rat sleeping in my hair!!!!!! :eek:
Well, I'm on, for the first time in... ooh. Year and a half? Possibly more. I don't know how I stayed away this long. This place is addictive :D

Way back when, when I was actually around, I'm pretty sure they had post counts disabled on this part of the board. People were just raking in the posts by sitting on Last Post Wins all day, hehe.
Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashlee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ria!!!!!!!!Toj!!!!!!!!!!!!everybody else!!!!
hello :D
*gives look that implies that i want hugs*:D *innocent smile*
Hey Ash! Kev! Ferny!
Not much. Just got home from going shopping with my friend for her birthday. I absolutely hate shopping but since it was her birthday, I had to make a sacrifice and go. Now I'm freaking out because my dad will be home from work in a hour and I'm so scared he's going to ask me what I done today. Because I soooooo don't want to tell him I left my little brother home alone for like 6 hours and I was like 2 hours away :eek: I sound like a really bad sister :(