So...Who's On Now XVI

It was pretty good. I laughed more with the first one. But I have to tell you (this kind of sounds bad), but Georgie drives me nuts in the first one! She's like a chipmunk. One thing I hate in PC's commentary there is two cuss words (not like extremely bad ones, but I can't stand it when people uses language) :rolleyes:

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! I agree--Georgie is chipmunk-like in the first commentary! Yeah, I think I remember hearing one cuss word...The commentary overall just seemed so much more...mature (from what I saw) than the last one...:rolleyes:
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! I agree--Georgie is chipmunk-like in the first commentary! Yeah, I think I remember hearing one cuss word...The commentary overall just seemed so much more...mature (from what I saw) than the last one...:rolleyes:

Was the first one when Will is talking about Andrew with the spot light on him? That's the first one I heard and then Will (again) was talking about some part in the raid and said a guy ran like ............
Yeah it does seem a lot more mature-er :p It's funny though how, Will and Skandar try to top each other and be the best.

EDIT: @ Sami: You sould, it's really good!
Was the first one when Will is talking about Andrew with the spot light on him? That's the first one I heard and then Will (again) was talking about some part in the raid and said a guy ran like ............
Yeah it does seem a lot more mature-er :p It's funny though how, Will and Skandar try to top each other and be the best.

EDIT: @ Sami: You sould, it's really good!

Yeah, I think so...Haha, yeah, Skandar ROCKED in this film. (sorry WillMa *cough* WillMo fans...:p)

Yes, Sami! Its awesome! ;)

EDIT: Sadly, I have to go. :( Bye guys!!
Yeah, I think so...Haha, yeah, Skandar ROCKED in this film. (sorry WillMa *cough* WillMo fans...:p)

Yes, Sami! Its awesome! ;)

Rocked meaninnnggg??? His acting skills? Or his personality in the movie? I have to say I love his character, and Peter's is horrid. I wish they had kept the Picking Marshals scene in the movie. It actually shows Peter being the Peter in the book. The duel is still my favorite part! It shows WillMo being brave and totally awesome *coughs* sorry fan-girl moment :p

Awwwww bye Kev! Talk to ya later!
You'll have to pick out a Toby, take a picture, and post it on here so I can see it ;)
Being mad.

Hi! I haven't been on a in a while! How are things going here in Dufferland?

I was going to post a thread about being mad, but I don't think that kind of thread is usually very beneficial, so can I just ask, would anyone like to cheer me up?? I'm kind of mad right now....:(
Hi! I haven't been on a in a while! How are things going here in Dufferland?

I was going to post a thread about being mad, but I don't think that kind of thread is usually very beneficial, so can I just ask, would anyone like to cheer me up?? I'm kind of mad right now....:(
Awww... hey, Grace! What's up?

Hi Sami!! :D
Haha! Thanks! :D
Awwww, okay... do you have other hobbies and stuff? Or has it just been, slaving away at projects, bits of paper, work, words and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. . . :rolleyes:
But, hey, school is so much fun, right?? *bright and enthusiastic salesperson smile* :p