So...Who's On Now XVI

You're Welcome! ;)
Nothing in particular...It was really a dreary day...poured down rain from 10 a.m. to now. :p

Awesome! Not long till TDL will be like it was during summer again! :D

It rained all day yesterday and it kind of misted rain today. *shrugs* I like rain so it doesn't really matter.

Eeeep! I know! I'm so excited! Yours starts the 19th too, right?
It rained all day yesterday and it kind of misted rain today. *shrugs* I like rain so it doesn't really matter.

Eeeep! I know! I'm so excited! Yours starts the 19th too, right?
Yeah, it was cool b/c it didn't lightning or thunder at all, it just rained. I like it when it just rains (not storms)....I got to play in the rain, too which is always fun. :p:D

Yeppers!!! Its gonna be AWESOME! :D

Btw, what did you think of the Mods (or Specter-not sure who did it) taking away reputation?
Yeah, it was cool b/c it didn't lightning or thunder at all, it just rained. I like it when it just rains (not storms)....I got to play in the rain, too which is always fun.

Yeppers!!! Its gonna be AWESOME! :D

Yep, I like it when it just rains. But I also like it to thunder but not really loud, just kind of rumbles off in the distance :p You played in the rain? Today? Wasn't it cold? You silly boy!

EDIT: It doesn't really bother me, I guess. But I kind of miss seeing all the crazy comments I would get when people would leave me a rep. :( What I do hate is that the 'Nite's threads are GONE! *hyperventilates* I'm not one of those extremely creepy fans but I still liked the thread :D
Yep, I like it when it just rains. But I also like it to thunder but not really loud, just kind of rumbles off in the distance You played in the rain? Today? Wasn't it cold? You silly boy!

EDIT: It doesn't really bother me, I guess. But I kind of miss seeing all the crazy comments I would get when people would leave me a rep. What I do hate is that the 'Nite's threads are GONE! *hyperventilates* I'm not one of those extremely creepy fans but I still liked the thread
Yeah, I can handle rumbles of thunder...Yes, I did play in the rain, and it wasn't cold its very humid outside actually. :p:D And you're not the first to call me silly! Nor will you be the last! :p

Yeah, thats pretty much how I felt about it. But, I think its hilarious that the 'Nite threads are gone. :p

EDIT: Did I tell you my dog had puppies? And that they opened their eyes yesterday?
Yeah, I can handle rumbles of thunder...Yes, I did play in the rain, and it wasn't cold its very humid outside actually. :D And you're not the first to call me silly! Nor will you be the last!

Yeah, thats pretty much how I felt about it. But, I think its hilarious that the 'Nite threads are gone.


I bet you do think it's hilarious *glares* Olorin is calling his Duffer army because I said since the 'Nites doesn't have a place to go we shall invade the Land of the Duffers :cool:

EDIT: Would you quit editing your posts! I can't keep up with you :p Nope, you didn't tell me. How many? What are their names???

I bet you do think it's hilarious *glares* Olorin is calling his Duffer army because I said since the 'Nites doesn't have a place to go we shall invade the Land of the Duffers

EDIT: Would you quit editing your posts! I can't keep up with you Nope, you didn't tell me. How many? What are their names???

Hahahahahahaha! Don't mess with the Duffers! They have The Can on their side! :D

LOL! Sorry, I keep thinking of new stuff to say. :p There were seven, but one died :)() I'm still thinking of names...Any suggestions? :D
Hahahahahahaha! Don't mess with the Duffers! They have The Can on their side!

LOL! Sorry, I keep thinking of new stuff to say. :p There were seven, but one died :)() I'm still thinking of names...Any suggestions? :D


LOL! That's okay! Aww, I'm sorry. Let me think. Do you know yet, how many girls and boys there are?

*Random* Has anyone ever added you to be their friend/contact thingy and you've never even had a conversation with them?
Thats cool. I am glad you are getting better. I'm alright thanks. Whatchya been up to?
Nothing interesting ;) Just school and I had piano lessons today :rolleyes:

Hey Sami!I think its three girls & three boys...;)

Actually, I think that did happen one time...

Oookkkaaay *thinks* I'm horrible with coming up with names for my pets. But if I ever had a boy dog I always wanted to name it Toby, I don't know why. And I want a Siberian husky sooooo bad, this is going to sound completely crazy but when I finally get one (I am going to get it, but not until I move out in a couple of years), I'm going to name it Mozart (of course it will be a boy) :D

It's happened to me twice I think.
Oookkkaaay *thinks* I'm horrible with coming up with names for my pets. But if I ever had a boy dog I always wanted to name it Toby, I don't know why. And I want a Siberian husky sooooo bad, this is going to sound completely crazy but when I finally get one (I am going to get it, but not until I move out in a couple of years), I'm going to name it Mozart (of course it will be a boy) :D

It's happened to me twice I think.

Wow, thats really freaky! I've been thinking about naming one Toby lately, because one of my friends has a cat named Toby...Haha! Awesome! Siberian Huskies are very beautiful! Mozart is a cool name. ;)

Haha, did you add the people?
Wow, thats really freaky! I've been thinking about naming one Toby lately, because one of my friends has a cat named Toby...Haha! Awesome! Siberian Huskies are very beautiful! Mozart is a cool name. ;)

Haha, did you add the people?

It's a sign I tell you. You are suppose to name one of the puppies Toby! There is a husky in my neighborhood and if it's ever out in it's yard I conviently go for a walk in that direction so I can pet it. It's soooooo fuzzy! :rolleyes: I also wanted to know a horse Pier (sp?)

Yeah, I did because I feel weird saying no. It's kind of weird to me.
It's a sign I tell you. You are suppose to name one of the puppies Toby! There is a husky in my neighborhood and if it's ever out in it's yard I conviently go for a walk in that direction so I can pet it. It's soooooo fuzzy! I also wanted to know a horse Pier (sp?)

Yeah, I did because I feel weird saying no. It's kind of weird to me.
Haha! I suppose I shall then. :D LOL! I have a friend who owns a Husky & she's really fuzzy, too! :p:D Like the name Pierre? :p

Haha, yeah...
Haha! I suppose I shall then. :D LOL! I have a friend who owns a Husky & she's really fuzzy, too! :D Like the name Pierre?

Yay! I some-what-kind-of-sorta helped name a puppy :p
Yep, yep that's it Pierre, it's French. I told my mom and she had this dear-in-the-headlights look. :D

Have you listened to all of the commentary on PC? What do you think about it?
Yay! I some-what-kind-of-sorta helped name a puppy :p
Yep, yep that's it Pierre, it's French. I told my mom and she had this dear-in-the-headlights look. :D

Have you listened to all of the commentary on PC? What do you think about it?
LOL! Yes you did! :D:p

No, I haven't, but from what I've seen, its ok, not nearly as good as the last one (I thought), though...What did you think?
LOL! Yes you did! :D:p

No, I haven't, but from what I've seen, its ok, not nearly as good as the last one (I thought), though...What did you think?

It was pretty good. I laughed more with the first one. But I have to tell you (this kind of sounds bad), but Georgie drives me nuts in the first one! She's like a chipmunk. One thing I hate in PC's commentary there is two cuss words (not like extremely bad ones, but I can't stand it when people uses language) :rolleyes: