So...Who's On Now XVI

LOL! I figured since most of TDL has seen me (via Facebook) you might as well, too! ;) Didn't you say I remind you of one of your neighbors too?
lol, Whaddya mean 'having a moment'?:confused:

LOL! Yep you do. But I don't see him around much, he prefers to keep to himself. But when he's out it's a lot of fun.
Well *cough* a blonde moment, I just didn't want to offend any blonde, because I certainly have nothing against them, it's just a figure of speech ;)

Now, I've seen most of all my TDL friends, but they haven't seen me :p
LOL! Yep you do. But I don't see him around much, he prefers to keep to himself. But when he's out it's a lot of fun.
Well *cough* a blonde moment, I just didn't want to offend any blonde, because I certainly have nothing against them, it's just a figure of speech

Now, I've seen most of all my TDL friends, but they haven't seen me
Haha! I'm kinda like that, actually....:eek::p
Ohhhhhh! A blonde moment! I'm just a little slow...:p

LOL! 'Sherible The Mysterious'! :p
Haha! I'm kinda like that, actually....
Ohhhhhh! A blonde moment! I'm just a little slow...:p

LOL! 'Sherible The Mysterious'! :p

Yep me too!
I think you were having one of those "moments" :p

Yep! And don't you forget it! LOL! No, I would post a picture, but I AM NOT photogenic AT ALL and since you'll probably never see me in person this is all you will know, so I don't want to post anything that is extremely hideous because that's how you'll remember me :p If I could find a picture I would, though. But I'm EXTREMELY picky!
I think you were having one of those "moments"

Yep! And don't you forget it! LOL! No, I would post a picture, but I AM NOT photogenic AT ALL and since you'll probably never see me in person this is all you will know, so I don't want to post anything that is extremely hideous because that's how you'll remember me If I could find a picture I would, though. But I'm EXTREMELY picky!
LOL! Yeah, I was! :p

Haha! I can understand that. I'm not photogenic either...I'm very jealous of people who are, too! :rolleyes::p
LOL! Yeah, I was!

Haha! I can understand that. I'm not photogenic either...I'm very jealous of people who are, too!

My friend is so photogenic it's scary! I hate being jealous about that, but I am :rolleyes:

Since I can't find a decent picture, I'm going to post a picture of my hand, that never changes. And since my hand are what does most of the work when I'm talking to you guys I think you should see it :D
Even though it is my hand, please no quoting. LOL! :cool:

I'll just have to see if I can get it to work.
Since I can't find a decent picture, I'm going to post a picture of my hand, that never changes. And since my hand are what does most of the work when I'm talking to you guys I think you should see it :D
Even though it is my hand, please no quoting. LOL! :cool:

I'll just have to see if I can get it to work.
LOL! Awesome! *impatiently waits* :p
LOL! Awesome! *impatiently waits* :p
Grrrrr, this is killing me! I hate trying to upload pictures from the computer. The forum rules are like 19 point something and this picture was in the one hundreds, therefore, when I get it small enough, you'll have to get a magnifying glass to see it :p
HAHA! Its a great feeling, isn't it?! :p

No *sobs* it's horrible! I feel like a criminal! :D