So...Who's On Now XVI

It's time to get out your magnifying glass, because here is my hand. One of the hands, that does all the work talking to you guys! :p (BTW I'm holding a tube of toothpaste [it was for some game we played])

Also my biggest fear is RODENTS! The only mice I like are Stuart Little and Reepicheep! :cool:
LOL! A beautiful hand! :D

There was a mouse in our classroom on the last day of school....:p
zawesome name. :cool:

lol, that's a pretty funny pic, Sherible! ^_^ what game were you playing?

Well, it wasn't really a game. We were doing it in Sunday school. About how, when you say something mean and hurtful, you can't take it back, just like squirting out toothpaste, there is no possible way to get it back in the tube. And we were supposed to try to get it back into the tube :rolleyes:
LOL! A beautiful hand! :D

There was a mouse in our classroom on the last day of school....

That hand just tells so much about me, doesn't it? :p

Oh!!!! *shudders* There were those things in my garage and I didn't know it and I was cleaning it out and BAM! Two of them went scurrying by. (this is when I found out I had an unnatural fear). I started screaming and crying (I'm not an easy crier) and jumping down and screaming some more. My heart was beating like 100 mph and I couldn't breathe :p :rolleyes:
That hand just tells so much about me, doesn't it? :p

Oh!!!! *shudders* There were those things in my garage and I didn't know it and I was cleaning it out and BAM! Two of them went scurrying by. (this is when I found out I had an unnatural fear). I started screaming and crying (I'm not an easy crier) and jumping down and screaming some more. My heart was beating like 100 mph and I couldn't breathe :p :rolleyes:

i've never seen a rat in real life.... well i have once but it was dead
That hand just tells so much about me, doesn't it? :p

Oh!!!! *shudders* There were those things in my garage and I didn't know it and I was cleaning it out and BAM! Two of them went scurrying by. (this is when I found out I had an unnatural fear). I started screaming and crying (I'm not an easy crier) and jumping down and screaming some more. My heart was beating like 100 mph and I couldn't breathe
Yesh! I can read your life story through that hand! :p

ROFL!!! You really do have a serious fear of them! :p
Was that your biggest fear? (j/k)

I'm good! Have you seen Yes Man? With Jim Carey?

No. :p I'm used to it where I live. But seriously, we have more than ten inches on the ground here right now. craziness. I don't wanna talk about my biggest fear. Besides, this forum is what, PG rated anyway? :p so I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Nope! Is it good? Seen him in lots of other stuff, though. My fav of him in The Truman show. :D
No. I'm used to it where I live. But seriously, we have more than ten inches on the ground here right now. craziness. I don't wanna talk about my biggest fear. Besides, this forum is what, PG rated anyway? so I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Nope! Is it good? Seen him in lots of other stuff, though. My fav of him in The Truman show.
Ten inches!!!? Its not even 32 degrees here! :rolleyes:
I'm not sure I even know what my biggest fear is...maybe public speaking (I really get sick when I have to give speeches :rolleyes:)

I liked it...but there is one really embarrassing part & theres more cussing than I would like...:rolleyes:
Ten inches!!!? Its not even 32 degrees here!
I'm not sure I even know what my biggest fear is...maybe public speaking (I really get sick when I have to give speeches :rolleyes:)

I liked it...but there is one really embarrassing part & theres more cussing than I would like...:rolleyes:

yeesh. :rolleyes: Wow! I've done public speaking for a while now, so I'm pretty much not that phased by it. I'll get out of the way if I'm ever with you and you have to give a speech. ;)

what's it about?

Edit: woops! double post! zoh well. *shrugs*