So...Who's On Now

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I bet you could do a great job at it Happy. I could see you not only writing books but possibly writing for a sit com or something like that for're great with the cliff hangers and for closing things with a door being available to pick it all up later.
I bet you could do a great job at it Happy. I could see you not only writing books but possibly writing for a sit com or something like that for're great with the cliff hangers and for closing things with a door being available to pick it all up later.

I don't know if I could do anything for TV. My innocence would get in the way of that.:D But I love cliff hangers. Whenever I read a book with them I always imagine what happens later. I always write what I'd like to read myself. OH, and did you check out the thread?
I think that TV today needs a lot more innocense if you ask me.

Haven't seen the thread yet...the Lamppost one is keeping me hopping. I'll look at it.
I agree with that. Just seeing some commercials these days makes my skin crawl. *shivers* Maybe I could reintroduce television and innocense.:D
Great to see ya as always Lilith...(you don't know how many times I have to catch myself while typing that) LOL

Happy, I like the way you think. I agree with you about the commercials and everything too. It never ceases to amaze me that in the middle of a G rated program or movie the comercials could be rater R or worse. Ugh...but there it is. Go for it my friend. Also, I'd run with the characters, but I'm just too busy these days with everything in my world...but it will be interesting to see what others do with them. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.
Great to see ya as always Lilith...(you don't know how many times I have to catch myself while typing that) LOL

Happy, I like the way you think. I agree with you about the commercials and everything too. It never ceases to amaze me that in the middle of a G rated program or movie the comercials could be rater R or worse. Ugh...but there it is. Go for it my friend. Also, I'd run with the characters, but I'm just too busy these days with everything in my world...but it will be interesting to see what others do with them. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.

That's understandible. If you get a chance though, I'd like to see what you come up with.;)

What's new Sunny?:D
Julie: *loooool* There was a time everyone called me Lilith.. XD

Oomy: Nm.. You?

And btw.. Now more people call me Lilith again.. I'm starting to miss me old name..
Oh, I just split it again. This will happen every 1000 to 2000 posts to keep the forum running smoothly...(see forum pruning anouncement at the top of each forum) It was moved to the archives and will be deleted later as will be the norm. This one goes on though...same old, same old.

I gotta go deal with some stuff in my real world. Blessings to yall!
You're more talented with that than I am Lilith. Go for it. will be interesting to see what you put in there Happy! You always do an amazing job. Did you ever think of writing for a profession?

Hey Fantasy Fan! How are ya? By the way, do you want us to call you just by your screenname, FF, or is there anything else you want us to call you by?
I'm good! Fantasy Fan, FF, Mar, pretty much anything is okay with me!
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