So...Who's On Now

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I've been waiting for these things forever!!!!!
*grabs phone & dials*
um.. yes... hello.. SOCKS!!!!!!!
*trips over phone cord & pulls out jack*
Hello?!?! ANSWER!!!!!!
*puts one of her special golden stars on her forhead*

okay.. I'm like serious about those socks... I have to have those socks.. they would totally go with my new black crocs!! *jumps for joy*

(haha total pun.. #1 I do not like crocs, I don't own a pair and no one will ever see me in them, #2 I heard Bush wore black presidential socks with black crocs on the radio not long ago, lol. What is it with old guys wearing black socks with flip flops?!?! Thats just wrong, you do not wear socks AND flip flops, especially not black ones!!)
Act now and you can get a pair of white socks with your double order of black socks, and if you act in five seconds we will bring the price down to $19.98 :D
Oh mi gosh!!!
*reaches in pocket & pulls out her Handy Dandy... Note book!!!!!*
No.. er... *reaches in other pocket & pulls out the Handy Dandy CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!*
YES!!!!!!! *opens phone*
*runs outside in storm as she pulls out antenna*
oooh come on I got like 3 seconds left!!!!!!
*finds service* hahahahaha YES!!!!!!
*dials number*
Yes, hello I NEED THE SOCKS!!!!!!!!
*gets zapped with lightnight*
fkhushfldhlgg hdsh
*runs to the store in her midget car* (too afraid to use the word clown, haha)
okay.. um... voice thingies... AHA!!! *buys really expensive voice changer thingie*

*dials # in parking lot*
uh-huh, yes, this is um.. Sir William Mc. Farfarley and um.. shoot, I forgot to use the thing.. *uses voice changer thingie* yes um SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!
*zapped with lightning*
*sizzle... buzz... sizzle*
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