Soap Opera

Max got up and look around she didn't see James any were.
" now were did he go off to now?," she ask herself,
she pick up her phone and started to call him.
He felt someone grab him and turned around only to find Jane holding his arm. He pulled the ear phones off and as he was about to speak his phone went off. "Hold on." he said to her as he looked to see who it was. 'Max' he thought as he read her name. He closed the cell. He knew he should have answered it but for some reason he didnt want to. He loked at Jane and smiled waiting for her to say something.
ooc::eek: omgh! No shes not!

ic: For a second James didnt know what was going on and was a little dazed but then he put his hand on her neck drawing her even closer and kissed her back.
Max got angery she got in to her car to go look for him.
" oh when I fine you ...," she said hours later she find him with Janes,
she had treas rolling down her cheek.
" James!," she said running to the other side.
'Oh no' James thought to himself. "Max wait" he shouted after her. But before he left he turned around to Jane "Well that was...... interesting" he said smiling at her and then running after Max. "I'll call you later".
She draw her hand slowly away from her mouth, smiling, she bit her lip again...She was dazed until she spoted a cab.."Back to whatever u were doing.." she said to herself grinning as she got into the cab.
He didnt quite know what to say. "Max theres something I need to tell you" he said as they neared the car. "You know I love you Max, its just I'm not in..." he was cut short for as he went to open the door of the car it exploded sending them flying.
ooc:Haha no they're not dead just injured. What LEO! :p So Max isnt innocent

ic: James got up and coughed out the smoke. "Are you okay?" he asked looking at her arm.
occ: Fine, they're just hurt :p

ic: Jane heard the explosion.."Stop! Stop!.." she told the car driver..She got out and looked.."J-James! No!.." she brough her hands to her mouth and ran turds there.

occ: U seeee! :o