Soap Opera

"Right yeah of course. I'm sorry man" he said lieing. He knew very well of what was going on. Being in prison will make you very paranoied and aware of what was going on around you. "Its been a long day" he told Leo smiling.
"We're going to need to take you in for an xray to see if anythings broken and to take this glass out of your hand" the paramedic said helping Max up.
The paramedics nodded. "I'd love to but who ever did this is still near by and I wanna catch him before he does something else" he told her. "But I'm sure Leo wont mind going with you" he said looking at Leo. "Take care of her" he told Leo. He was a little angry but the fact that he just kissed Jane made him stop and think before punching Leo. "I'll come and see you soon okay." he said kissing her on the head before heading off after Jane. If they came after Max they would for sure go after Jane.
Max sighed.
" OK fine," she said kissing him back,
she didn't like this one bit not at all,
" Oh James please don't do any thing silly like kissing her back !," she yelled out.