The man said nothing but just raised the gun at her. James saw the gun and like sintinct he proelled himself at Jane knocking her out of the way just as the guy pulled the trigger. the bullest just scrapped passed them. As they fell to the floor the gunman tried to take another shot but James was too quick and kicked the gun out of the mans hand.
Jane was stunned...seconds passed like hours for her, her heart beated fast, she was so shocked that she just watched laying on the floor when James kicked the gun outta the man's hand...she didnt know what to do.
Luckily she only shot him in the leg not killing him but injuring him. The man fell to the fall and winced in pain. James stood up sloly holding his stomach and helped Jane up. "I'll take that" he told her as he took the gun from her. "Good aim. We better get to the hospital. Max may be in danger" he said tieing the man up. "the police are on their way" he told him kicking him in the stomach, returning the favour.
"Nothing we just need to open it up and take some glass pieces out" the doctor said kindly smiling at her. "It wont take long."
At that moment two guy nurses came in and started to wheel her bed towards the door.