Soap Opera

The doctor nodded and smiled again.

James and Jane had gotten a cab to the hospital and were at the reception.
"Max" he told the receptionist.
"This way" she said so they followed her down the hall towards Maxs room. James had left his phone at Janes and didnt have it on him.
occ: XD lolz

ic: Jane noticed how her eyes spread tears, but she wasnt crying, she was in some kind of shock. She got up and just holded James hand not letting go.

ic: James could feel how tightly Jane was holding on to his hand but just realised it was shock but didnt really have much time to comfort her afraid of what they may do to Max. When they got to the room she was no where to be found. "Err" the nurse began when James heard a faint scream. 'Max' he said. He turned to Jane "Stay here. I'll be back real soon. Dont worry they wont be coming back".
"She should be liked that for atleast an hour" the guy said taking off his coat revealing a suit underneath. The other two guys did the same. The gently put her onto the wheel chair that was near by.
The other guy just looked at him seriously. "This is no joke. If we get caught we're dead" he said sternly as he began to wheel her out of the room.
Jane sat down in the hallway, she waited for James..."Oh my god what could have they done to Max.." she said to herself, she still was kinda shocked..."They tryed to kill us...they wont stop untill we're dead.." she kept mumbling to herself.
James nearly ran passed them when he noticed Maxs top. He tried not to make it obvious that he knew what they were doing. He sutly followed them, keeping behind.

They neared the van which was parked at the back in the alley out of sight.