Soap Opera

She cicled him.
" you with her what do you even care if I die or not only a boyfriend cares about their girlfriend die," she said with a loud sigh,
she stop then laugh rolling her eyes.
" to you really beleave there someone trying to kill me?," she ask with a smirk on her face now.
"No" he began "No I dont think anyones trying to kill you" He paused. "I was hoping we could still be friends but I gues not. Well have a good life Max" he said as he opened the door and walked out. 'I'll just have to end this, once and for all' he told himself as he left.
She ran after him.
" but someone is trying to kill you James," she said pulling him to the other room,
she look down at her feet.
" I don't want to be friends I still want to be together," she said looking out of the window.
"They wont be coming back dont wory" he replyed. "I'm sorry but I can't live a lie." he said "You'll move on dont worry. you're a pretty girl loads of guys will want to be with you" he reassured her.
She shook her head.
" but James I want to be with you not with someone else please don't leave," she said with treas rolling down her cheek again.
He pushed her away slightly and gently, sitting on the edge of the bed. This was not a really good time for him. He had so many things on his mind.